Adrian Wait
Injustice anywhere is a Threat to Justice everywhere…
A layman’s reflection.
The century enters its 21st year. In this time scandal and corruption has plagued this Nation… so much so that I know that what I present here is only the ‘tip-of-the-iceberg’.

We have had a myriad of scandals in and around Parliament, there was the utterly shameful debarkle of the Expenses scandal, a scandal that exposed the root of horrific levels of Greed,
sickening levels of presumed privilege, this was almost erased by the scandal of the world-wide obscenity of hypo-GREED on levels that most of us cannot imagine, the Toxic mortgages, loans and usury on ‘Columbian marching powder’
The rise and rise of money-laundering the transition of perceptions of democracy, has it became a burgeoning kleptocracy the Bankster moved their tanks on to Parliament square, Politics was swallowed by a mafia of toxic money, and evil, banal Banksters and hedgefunders.
HSBC lead the pack of banks laundering monies for Mexican Drug Barons, at the head of the British section a Vicar, the Rev Green, and a person who would temporarily take one of the highest positions at the BBC. The cronyism and corruption encircle and consumed
the vast majority of our institutions. The cancerous GREED and callous indifference of the 99% remains a criminal stain upon Britain, has Osborne opened the door for oligarchies and toxic monies. In 2010, a very dubious election witnesses an intake of toxic Bankster,
and their stooges into Parliament, into Power. The Lie-dems and the Tory Regime were spawned.
Quickly and overwhelmingly there was a series of scandalous ‘outsourcing’ A4E, G4S, Serco, our NHS… all of this was Thatcherism on cocaine.
As if the toxic corruption appeared to completely erase the ‘Expenses scandal’ a couple of years earlier, the Nation was expose to the paedophile scandal – Horrific, scandals unfolded and sickened the Nation. This then became a view into the deepest darkness of a feral elite,
cronyism and corruption seeped into the institutions: Parliament; Church, Celebrity… the feral elite gorged itself on the banality of evil, degenerates at the helm. Out of this the Hacking scandal exploded – Is it not an accident that Yet again at the heart of this darkness
is the relationship between our parliament and #Media – and we should beware the systems revisionism of this fact. Where a horrific scandal of exploitation, Greed, assume privilege arises behind the scenes the Media and Parliament, wings of the feral elite shall be found.
The #Levison Inquiry was a brief opportunity to expose and ensure that such a banality of evil could have been confronted – however, the feral elite the msm, celebrity, and politicians, although rocked by the depth of the scandal,
they regrouped and since then both the feral #elite, #msm and #politicians have worked into an even closer elite.
Since then we have had several #elections that historians, if there are any brave enough to investigate and tell the truth, will expose the very heart of darkness at play in the manipulation and transformation of our ‘democracy’ into a Kleptocracy or Oligarchy.
The Vichy #media deserve the deepest condemnation for their role, they have abandoned any pretence of being a investigative, objective, or journalists. They represent a terminally disengaged class, who have sold their soul for power, influence and status.
Tragic, really tragic, and devastating Their capitulation has encouraged and supported the rise, and rise of the banality of evil that unfolds to date… I could not hope to cover all of the Scandal, all of the injustices, but will say that I am well into my six decade
and the cesspit of scandal, injustice and corruption horrifies me. In the past five years there have been obvious signs that the msm is completely lost to propaganda and swims in the cesspit of their own making.
How long, how long will such a banality of evil will be allowed to fester? We have had Racist Vans, we have had the induction of the lie ‘austerity’ (Thatcherism on cocaine), the imposition of an “Hostile Environment” these are policies of a degenerate Tory Regime,
completely ignored by the #msm.
These policies are responsible for 130,000 (2015/17) premature deaths. Pause, a moment and let this sink in: A Tory regime has overseen policies that ARE implicated in the death of at least 130,000 premature deaths
. (This is a low estimate) We can now add to this number of premature deaths should have exploded in a tsunami of rejection?
Why didn’t it, well it could be the vital role the #msm propaganda-bankrolled by the very same feral elite that ran the EU Leave campaign?
And now we have either the most incompetent #Tory Regime, or the most evil banality that is responsible for pursuing the same cronyism and corruption. Unfettered rampant GREED making millions, if not billions by their corrupt cronyism.
It is beyond shocking. Now we can add at least another 75,000 premature deaths of citizens. The first duty of any government is to protect its people, not to declare war upon them.
The figure of premature deaths under this Tory regime (and again I stress this is a low estimate) has now reached approximately: 205,000 Deaths.
The banality of evil is personified, not only by the Tory Regime, but sadly at least 172 members of the opposition
who represent careerism, status-quo supporters, and Gravytrain riders – softminded conformity supports such corruption and cronyism never again question how the German Nation ‘allowed’ Hitler to rise to Power.
Softminded conformity evolves to betrayal, and the numbers increase with every person walks on the other side of the road, assuming if they keep their head down, the corruption won’t impact them… Sadly it’s too late.
The facts are horrific and I do understand the fear of being overwhelmed…
Corruption and Cronyism is in plain sight: see example below. Injustice anywhere is a Threat to Justice everywhere…

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So, as the #MegaMillions jackpot reaches a record $1.6B and #Powerball reaches $620M, here's my advice about how to spend the money in a way that will truly set you, your children and their kids up for life.


Create a private foundation and give it all away. 1/

Let's stipulate first that lottery winners often have a hard time. Being publicly identified makes you a target for "friends" and "family" who want your money, as well as for non-family grifters and con men. 2/

The stress can be damaging, even deadly, and Uncle Sam takes his huge cut. Plus, having a big pool of disposable income can be irresistible to people not accustomed to managing wealth. 3/

Meanwhile, the private foundation is as close as we come to Downton Abbey and the landed aristocracy in this country. It's a largely untaxed pot of money that grows significantly over time, and those who control them tend to entrench their own privileges and those of their kin. 4

Here's how it works for a big lotto winner:

1. Win the prize.
2. Announce that you are donating it to the YOUR NAME HERE Family Foundation.
3. Receive massive plaudits in the press. You will be a folk hero for this decision.
4. Appoint only trusted friends/family to board. 5/

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