I jumped in my time-machine & landed in the middle of the 2035 World Athletics Championships in Paris.

It was 800 metres finals day, but to my surprise, there were 5 races scheduled, not two.

On inquiring, I learnt there had been a shake-up: the "men's" and "women's" classifications were no more; instead the classification system changed to one that was based on functional ability.
Rather than labelling athletes as male or female , they were placed in a racing category based on the movements their body can perform, related to the sport they compete in.

Finding the balance between sex, gender, human rights,  & the sciences and fairness in sport is without a doubt sports greatest challenge.

There are many factors that significantly affect the competitive edge in sport such as nutrition, age, height, weight, coaching & training facilities, & other genetic and biological variations like oxygen-carrying capacity.
Sports need to be working towards a system of individuality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility and embracing the human ability no matter of one sex or body type.
The IPC movement has taught great lessons, and shown what inclusion looks like when embracing human difference and appreciating human individuality and ones ability.
We know there are 9 different known chromosome types; like our society reinforcing the 2 binary system, sport mirrors it in terms of sport participation. This has to change sport needs to be segregated on abilities and physical attributes.
We see this already within the IPC sports, we see weight divisions in many sports such as boxing and weight lifting etc this is taking things a large step further. Each sport requires different physical traits to excel at ie height in basketball or flexibility in gymnastics.
I am not suggesting that women would be outed from sport or lose opportunity in sport what I suggest would enable every human on this planet to be able to ride a bike, swim a lap, kick a ball with competition that is fairer and far more inclusive then what we have now.
This is going to take a paradigm shift in attitudes but I suggest duty of care especially in full contact sports will demand that sports are segregated on abilities and  physical attributes and not an arbitrary T level in the future.
Sport should never have the right to question anyones legal sex if my county legally recognises me as a woman or a man the @iocmedia or any other sport should never have the right to say otherwise this should be the start point in all of this.
No young person and or athlete should ever have to prove their identity or change their bodies for  anyone to play sport – to ride their bike, kick a ball or run around a track, the impact is to enormous.
Segregation in sports, is harmful to gender relations and society. We worry that women might twist an ankle or break a leg if they were to play mixed sports, when in fact, the consequences of segregation are much, much more costly to women.
Social politics have hugely affected women’s sporting performance over the last century  but what if sports could affect change in social politics?
All-male sports teams exist largely within a system run by men who went through the system themselves — men who end up as coaches, officials, and members of boards.
It’s a system that teaches men that a version of masculinity, that is both toxic and hierarchical, is among the most important traits to have.
Eric Anderson, professor of sports, masculinities, and sexualities at the University of Winchester, defines this as “orthodox masculinity” in a 2008 study. He argues that it’s responsible for men’s team sports cultivating a culture of misogynistic and homophobic attitudes.
“It is a resilient system that reproduces a more conservative form of gender expression among men, helping make sport a more powerful gender regime,” he explains.
Ultimately, an athlete’s own choices matter less and less, as they’re encouraged to see everyone else through the lens of orthodox masculinity.
More often than not,men who play to a high level in an all-male sports team also socialize mainly with their teammates, meaning that the bonds they form with people outside of that sporting universe & especially women  are colored by the masculinity they have to live everyday
This means there is a higher chance of men having negative attitudes about women  objectifying them, for example.
Anderson explains: “Male athletes (in general) and team sport athletes (in particular) have been shown to objectify women  often viewing them as sexual objects to be conquered.”
The statistics on campus rape in America are pretty terrifying; a three-year study by researchers Jeff Benedict and Todd Crosset in the mid-1990s showed that while male student-athletes comprise 3.3 percent of student populations in the United States., ...
they made up 19 percent of sexual assault perpetrators and 35 percent of domestic violence perpetrators. Integrating team sports could do a significant amount to change this.
In his study, Anderson followed heterosexual male university cheerleaders, who had all previously played high school football. Before they started cheerleading almost all of them reported that they....
viewed the world through the prism of orthodox masculinity — they held misogynistic views, both about women as athletes, and also in a more general sense.
Overwhelmingly,the men who participated in sports with women had their minds changed.They perceived women as good athletes;one participant in Anderson’s study,said “I used to think women were weak, but now I know that’s not true. I never thought women were so athletic before.
Another said I hated women’s sports. But these women are athletes. They do stuff I’d never be able to do and I bet there are a lot of sports women can do better in.”
It didn’t stop there. “All but a handful reported that they had learned to see women as more than sex objects,” Anderson explains. “All the athletes reported having learned to respect and value women as friends, teammates, and competent leaders.
Thus in the sex-integrated sport of collegiate cheerleading, once sexist & misogynistic men were able to witness the athleticism of women, befriend them in ways that they were previously unable to, & to learn of their gendered narratives, it humanized them in the process.”
Segregation in sports, it turns out, is harmful to gender relations and society. We worry that women might twist an ankle or break a leg if they were to play mixed sports, when in fact, the consequences of segregation are much, much more costly to women.
I hope that one day we see a Marta & a Messi who play on the same team and gender segregation in team sports will end, and humanity will be better for it.
@threadreaderapp please unroll

More from Kirsti Miller

Would having the testosterone limit for transgender women at 10nmol/L (5-10 times what’s considered “typical” for women) give them a massive advantage over their cisgender opponents?

Absolutely not, is recognized an XY chromosome body is seen as unhealthy <12nmol/L or less. A XY female as they lose the ability to produce natural occurring testosterone, falls into a range of 0.4nmol/L.

Which we know too, the individual falls into menopause at 9.6nmol/L, and due to complete androgen deprivation eventually into the position of that would equate a XX female = who had had a complete hysterectomy including her gonads.

We can be assured, one this is extremely unhealthy – Moreover, and most important, we can be assured that there are no women either XX and or XY competing internationally like this.

This is not for anyone a desired state and for the participation high performance sport eventually impossible to participate longterm.

More from Society

Brief thread to debunk the repeated claims we hear about transmission not happening 'within school walls', infection in school children being 'a reflection of infection from the community', and 'primary school children less likely to get infected and contribute to transmission'.

I've heard a lot of scientists claim these three - including most recently the chief advisor to the CDC, where the claim that most transmission doesn't happen within the walls of schools. There is strong evidence to rebut this claim. Let's look at

Let's look at the trends of infection in different age groups in England first- as reported by the ONS. Being a random survey of infection in the community, this doesn't suffer from the biases of symptom-based testing, particularly important in children who are often asymptomatic

A few things to note:
1. The infection rates among primary & secondary school children closely follow school openings, closures & levels of attendance. E.g. We see a dip in infections following Oct half-term, followed by a rise after school reopening.

We see steep drops in both primary & secondary school groups after end of term (18th December), but these drops plateau out in primary school children, where attendance has been >20% after re-opening in January (by contrast with 2ndary schools where this is ~5%).

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A brief analysis and comparison of the CSS for Twitter's PWA vs Twitter's legacy desktop website. The difference is dramatic and I'll touch on some reasons why.

Legacy site *downloads* ~630 KB CSS per theme and writing direction.

6,769 rules
9,252 selectors
16.7k declarations
3,370 unique declarations
44 media queries
36 unique colors
50 unique background colors
46 unique font sizes
39 unique z-indices


PWA *incrementally generates* ~30 KB CSS that handles all themes and writing directions.

735 rules
740 selectors
757 declarations
730 unique declarations
0 media queries
11 unique colors
32 unique background colors
15 unique font sizes
7 unique z-indices


The legacy site's CSS is what happens when hundreds of people directly write CSS over many years. Specificity wars, redundancy, a house of cards that can't be fixed. The result is extremely inefficient and error-prone styling that punishes users and developers.

The PWA's CSS is generated on-demand by a JS framework that manages styles and outputs "atomic CSS". The framework can enforce strict constraints and perform optimisations, which is why the CSS is so much smaller and safer. Style conflicts and unbounded CSS growth are avoided.