X : When is #mapcamp happening this year?
Me : Wed, Oct 13th.
X : What's the plan?
Me : Right now? Find some funding.

X : How much do you need?
Me : For a 1500 - 3000 person online event? Back of envelope calculation ... about £50k to make it happen. LEF has kindly sponsored it for the last few years but we now need to stand it up on its own two feet.
X : What does that mean?
Me : Like all events, it's a risk profile. So, today the chance of #mapcamp happening is 0%, as we raise some funds, identify costs and find ways of reducing costs etc then that chance increases to a point that we can say ... yep, we can do this.
X : What about ticket sales?
Me : Nothing can ever be guaranteed, so you have to position it to the point that if everything goes wrong the liability is acceptable. Ask me in a month then I'll have a better idea.
X : If it's all about cost, reducing liability etc ... why does anyone run an event?
Me : For the same reason we speak at events. We love the subject. If you didn't then you'd be mad.
X : What about "early bird" pricing.
Me : Yep, we use that once we're close to get us over the line then anything else that is made is spent on improving the event. By the end, it's all spent.
X : Volunteers?
Me : Everything is, from the speakers to the organising committee to the chairs etc. We borrow, beg and steal each year. Did I not say you've had to be mad to put on an event about a subject you didn't love?
X : What if you don't raise funding?
Me : Talk about doom and gloom. If we don't raise then I'll have a private zoom session with friends.
X : A public webinnar?
Me : £400+ ... I do love mapping but when push comes to shove, I'd rather spend my time and money on family.
X : Map Camp is a great event.
Me : Thanks. But it is also an accidental conference. It was supposed to be me going to a pub in London to meet up with a dozen people, it ended up as 1500 people in an online event. These things come and go. We shall see what this year brings us.
X : Do you enjoy map camp?
Me : I love it ... long hours, organising committees and schedule, trying to raise funds, chasing people, stress of it all, day itself and the final bill ... what wouldn't you love? Seriously, never run a conference unless you truly love the subject.

More from Simon Wardley

"Fifty-nine percent of those polled said they believed China will become more powerful than the U.S. within 10 years" - https://t.co/3vN4I1TjwP ... I hate to break it to you but it already is in many areas.

When I published this work (originally from 2015) -
https://t.co/GYOItA3StZ - I did tend to get a lot of pushback from US folk when presenting it.

Six years later, less so.

I expect China to start to tackle inequality this year. It's the Achilles heel of the West. We have no response, nor Governments with the required skill, strategy or practice to respond.

We will ultimately face a more advanced, more wealthy and more equal society ...

... as that example of what "is possible" / "good looks like" shift to the East, we will face a painful shift as we question our own values including our kind of democracy. But in reality, the problem is not with our values but our shockingly poor standards of leadership.

X : Is this because of Trump?
Me : No, this has been going on since the 1990s. There has been no effective counterplay to the long game that Deng Xiaoping started. Just hubris, arrogance and exceptionalism with annual Economist articles on "How China will fall".

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