***Conflict Of The Chosen***
There is always a conflict when God singles you out

#the conflict in Mary's life

The challenge of being chosen is a calling to a life of conflicts.

when you are chosen, you are chosen to do His will.

(Luke 1:29 & 30) “But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying (conflict begins!), and considered what manner of greeting this was.”30 Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”

•to be chosen creates conflicts.
“Conflict” means a clash of two or more things. ,in this context, clash of two natures.

Mary was not the only virgin of her day.

God could have called any of the virgins of her days, but God chose Mary.

She did not ask to be chosen.

She had to face shame,
misunderstanding, and confrontation with Joseph.

Before this: She was happily engaged.

She was looking forward to her marriage. She was anticipating a normal life.

But now she faced the challenge of conflict because she was chosen – she was troubled!
God brought the conflict by chosing her.
Mary could not keep her old lifestyle and her former friendships.
-Her former friends won’t understand.
-No matter what she says ,it will make no sense

How would she face Joseph?

She must have cried, “Lord, you cant do this to me”
Mary’s conflict–how to explain and live being pregnant with a child?

(John 15:16) “You did not choose Me, but I chose you & appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain

When Mary was chosen. She was set up for conflict (Luke 1:26-35)
The challenge of conflicts comes when you are chosen.

Chosen to be a child of God, not necessarily for a special task or calling.

Conflict arises because of the will of God in your life.

Therefore, All who are chosen will suffer conflicts.
-You are no longer to live after the natural man.
-You are different.
-You can no longer fit in with the others.
-You are separated from others.

-Some are chosen from the chosen to specific callings (Matthew 22:14)“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
God chose many others. d common factor experienced by them all was conflict.

Abraham--had to leave family & country
Joseph--his brothers hated him.
Moses-all newly born male children had to die.
Joshua–d stiff-necked pple he had to lead- d battles he had to fight to possess
D Promised Land—
* Peter * James * John- being the disciples of Jesus.
Jesus- - His parents had to hide Him at birth.
Saul-became blind, his whole life was in chaos

When you are chosen by God, Your part has been scripted and designed by God.
The good news is that; with conflict, God also gives grace.

-Paul said, “God’s grace is sufficient.”(2Corinthians12:9)

-Those He calls, He equips.
-Those He chooses, He anoints.
-Those He calls, He gives grace to
The angel told Mary about her cousin and revealed that a similar situation had taken place in her life. (Luke 1:39-45)

Now, Where do you go for fellowship and encouragement?

This is where the Church plays its role.
(Hebrews 10:25)-“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

A look at Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)

Elizabeth was now six months pregnant.
Scholars say that she was beginning to worry as there was no movement in her womb and she was fearful that she may have a dead baby.

• Mary seeks out new friendship and encouragement with those of the same faith and calling.

It is vital and crucial to understand this.
o Mary reaches out for Elizabeth, her cousin-an older woman. (she reached out to someone older in the faith)

o Elizabeth’s conflict–may have a dead baby

o Mary’s visit causes Elizabeth’s baby to leap..

o But when they met–what an explosion!
o This should happen when we fellowship with believers and fellowship in Church. Age, language, ethnic background are no barriers.

Our faith, our calling and being chosen links us and causes us to communicate and to fellowship as one in the Lord
2 Corinthians 6:14-15-Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
When God calls and when we are chosen ,it will come to pass.

Mary had a song to sing.
(Luke 1:46-55) “
If we fellowship with those who do not cause the purpose or the will of God to come alive, examine the fellowship.
- Connect with people who are chosen and you will find encouragement to do the
will of God.

How many come together with fellow Christians and experience a leaping of the spirit and soul?

How many go with faith to believe God for help for their conflicts and pains?
Make this Season worthwhile. Do what needs to be done for your spiritual life to grow.

Merry Christmas in Jesus name
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