You are more than what "men" can see or would ever see..


Let me start with this Mantra from Guinness Nigeria Ltd.

They have this brand of stout, and at the end of the advert, I usually hear these words..."You are made for more..."

Yes, we are all indeed made for more, but, sadly, many never attain unto what God has called them to be, either through spiritual laziness, ignorance, nonchalance etc.

Many have allowed their background keep their "backs" perpetually on the ground. In the beginning,
it was not meant to be so.

You see, You are more than what "men" can see or would ever see. You are even more than what you see. There is always more.

While Pastoring at the RCCG many years ago, I heard these words by the General Overseer, Pst. E.A. Adeboye, over a zillion
times.. "I have not even scratched the surface..".

Each time he reached what we all considered to be a major milestone, he would be quick to tell us, "I have not even started".

I recall the inconceivable idea of gathering over
6m people at lekki '98 Holy Ghost service.
It was crazy at the beginning and many were full of unbelief at the time, but, the rest, they say is history. CNN even confirmed we were over 6m that gathered at lekki.
Fast forward to when the RCCG built the largest camp ground auditorium in the world, measuring 3km by 3km,
the G.O. even said it again, "we have not even scratched the surface..." 😲 (Try visualizing how long and wide 3kms is, if you have never been to that campground)

Now, let's get back to the topic. (That 👆🏽 was just to prep you up to reality and what God can do in the life of
anyone willing to go the long haul with God.)

This is going to be in about 3 or 4 parts)

I deliberately want to start with Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys. This quartet knew their God and also knew they were made for more. They were willing to fight for their destiny, even in
the face of death staring them in the face.

Now, take a good look at the scripture below with your church mind.
Daniel 1:6 MSG
Four young men from Judah - Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah - were among those selected.
Now, you can see clearly their real or perhaps, God ordained names. Suddenly, the Babylonians began to have some cleaver ideas, and this was just the beginning....the beginning in the grand plan to destroy their destiny. They gave them new names.
For starters, let's have an understanding of the true meaning of their names.

Daniel Means-God is Judge
#Hannaniah - Whom Jehovah graciously gave

#Mishael - Who is what God is

#Azaria - Whom Jehovah helps.
Now, let us see the enemy's game plan. First, he decided to change their names.

Daniel 1:7 MSG
The head of the palace staff gave them Babylonian names: Daniel was named Belteshazzar, Hananiah was named Shadrach, Mishael was named Meshach, Azariah was named Abednego.
#Daniel was renamed Belteshazzar - Baal preserves his life.

#Hannaniah was renamed Shadrach - Decree of the moon god

#Mishael was renamed Meshach- Who is what Aku god is..

#Azaria was renamed Abednego - worshipper of nebo.
(By the way, You will observe that the book of Daniel in the Bible is not the book of Beltheshazzar)

These four boys not only knew their God, but, knew who they were, and not even the threat of death could deter them
They were fully persuaded, they were made for more.
Daniel 1:8a MSG
But Daniel determined that he would not defile himself by eating the king's food or drinking his wine,

They were determined because, they were not ignorant of who they were. They were not nonchalant and neither were they afraid. Little wonder the bible says,
"my people perish for lack of knowledge." Not unbelievers, but, His people, who are supposed to be called by His name.

Don't be browbeaten into believing what anyone calls or try to make you become because, of your background. It's a game plan, even if it appears "better"
than what God told you or showed you. It's not the real deal. It's just an appearance of the real deal. You are made for more, and there is a process we must follow. It's God's process, and His grace is more than sufficient to get us through. in Jesus name.
His grace saw Daniel and the 3 boys through. They never backed down, even when offered milk and honey in Daniel 1v8

It will always start with them showing you a "seemingly" "better" picture or trying hard to ask you, "has God really said?"


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4/ So why should you ask the magic Q?

To get clarity.

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