#Do you know God reads "letters?"
There are some things we often think are beneath God to bother Him with.

We assume some mundane stuffs are to small to bother Him with. We panic because, we believe, God shouldn't be bother with small, inconsequential stuffs

King Hezekiah

once received a letter from a king with a history of destroying anything and anyone that caught his fancy.

The king was greatly feared by all. There was no exception. He had conquered all known powerful kingdoms, their kings and their gods.

The letter brought fear and
trepidation upon king Hezekiah and his subjects.
It brought panic.
It was a joy killer. Even the bravest of men trembled.
The letter turned everything upside down.
Everything was now at a standstill.
Hezekiah and his subjects were under siege.
The king did not know what to do
out of the confusion that arose, but, he knew where to go.

Hezekiah did the unthinkable. He took the letter to the altar of prayer and spread it before God.

It seemed ridiculous to do such a thing.
It looked like something a confused man would do.
It looked laughable, but, he did it anyways.

2Kings 19:14-15,20 KJV
And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord.
[15] And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and said
O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of d earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.

After practically spreading d letter before God, God bent over & read it word for word and this was God's response
20] Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, That which thou hast prayed to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria I have heard.

Nothing is beneath God to do.
Nothing is too mundane or inconsequential to bring to God.

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और देवर्षि नारद वहीं बैठकर तपस्या में लीन हो गए।इन्द्र नारद की तपस्या से घबरा गए।उन्हें हमेशा की तरह अपना सिंहासन व स्वर्ग खोने का डर सताने लगा।इसलिए इन्द्र ने नारद की तपस्या भंग करने के लिए कामदेव को उनके पास भेज दिया।वहां पहुंच कामदेव ने अपनी माया से वसंतऋतु को उत्पन्न कर दिया।

पेड़ और पौधों पर रंग बिरंगे फूल खिल गए और कोयलें कूकने लगी,पक्षी चहकने लगे।शीतल,मंद,सुगंधित और सुहावनी हवा चलने लगी।रंभा आदि अप्सराएं नाचने लगीं ।किन्तु कामदेव की किसी भी माया का नारद पे कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा।तब कामदेव को डर सताने लगा कि कहीं नारद क्रोध में आकर मुझे श्राप न देदें।

जैसे ही नारद ने अपनी आंखें खोली, उसी क्षण कामदेव ने उनसे क्षमा मांगी।नारद मुनि को तनिक भी क्रोध नहीं आया और उन्होने शीघ्र ही कामदेव को क्षमा कर दिया।कामदेव प्रसन्न होकर वहां से चले गए।कामदेव के चले जाने पर देवर्षि के मन में अहंकार आ गया कि मैने कामदेव को हरा दिया।

नारद फिर कैलाश जा पहुंचे और शिवजी को अपनी विजयगाथा सुनाई।शिव समझ गए कि नारद अहंकारी हो गए हैं और अगर ये बात विष्णु जी जान गए तो नारद के लिए अच्छा नहीं होगा।ये सोचकर शिवजी ने नारद को भगवन विष्णु को ये बात बताने के लीए मना किया। परंतु नारद जी को ये बात उचित नहीं लगी।
So the cryptocurrency industry has basically two products, one which is relatively benign and doesn't have product market fit, and one which is malignant and does. The industry has a weird superposition of understanding this fact and (strategically?) not understanding it.

The benign product is sovereign programmable money, which is historically a niche interest of folks with a relatively clustered set of beliefs about the state, the literary merit of Snow Crash, and the utility of gold to the modern economy.

This product has narrow appeal and, accordingly, is worth about as much as everything else on a 486 sitting in someone's basement is worth.

The other product is investment scams, which have approximately the best product market fit of anything produced by humans. In no age, in no country, in no city, at no level of sophistication do people consistently say "Actually I would prefer not to get money for nothing."

This product needs the exchanges like they need oxygen, because the value of it is directly tied to having payment rails to move real currency into the ecosystem and some jurisdictional and regulatory legerdemain to stay one step ahead of the banhammer.