A couple of articles in today's Toronto Star has prompted me to address them. They are mentioning the misconduct of the Conservative Party, but not in the way that they should. The following are just excerpts of the full article, but you can google the full story if interested.

The news sources are playing it as "it's just politics between rival parties", but we all know that the right-wing movement has nothing to do with politics. It's all fake drama, lies, blatant misinterpretations of anything the Liberals put forth.
The Conservative Party is sabotaging our federal government (the federal & the provincial conservative premiers are in cahoots). They are doing this in order to get Erin O'Toole into the PM position so that he can continue the destruction of Canada that Stephen Harper started.
The intention was to get conservatives in at the provincial level, in order to rip up our Charter, destroy confederation, and line us up with other destructive countries that run an authoritarian government.
The news sources are not addressing the misconduct by the right-wing party on their FaceBook pages or their Twitter accounts. They aren't letting CDNs know what the right-wing intentions are. None mention that they have caused risings of the "Yellow Vests", The O&G Convoys,
The Anti-Maskers, etc.. In fact, when Andrew Scheer and Jason Kenney attempted to cause radicals to rise against First Nation blockades, no news sources mentioned that the right-wing party was inciting violence.
The news sources don't call out the blatant misinformation that the right-wing party posts on their social media. They never mention the misconduct of Senators Batters and Frum on their social media pages.

More from Politics

Here we go. Tag 4 des Impeachments. Trumps Verteidigung.

Es wird argumentiert, dass Trump nur habe sicherstellen wollen, dass die Wahl fair abgelaufen sei. Die Verteidigung zeigt Clips einzelner Demokraten, die der Zertifizierung von Trumps Stimmen 2016 widersprechen. (Dass es 2016 keinen von Obama gesandten Mob aufs Kapitol gab?Egal!)

Die intellektuelle Unehrlichkeit ist so unfassbar, ich weiß kaum, wo ich hier überhaupt anfangen soll; so viele fucking Strohmänner auf einmal.

Die Verteidigung spielt random Clips, in denen Demokraten “fight” sagen, fast zehn Minuten lang. Weil Trump 20mal am 6. Januar “fight” gesagt hat. Dies ist kein Witz. Komisch, dass sonst die Folge nie war, dass ein Mob das Kapitol gestürmt hat und Pence hängen wollte

“Dieser Fall geht um politischen Hass” Ich mein, ja. “Die House Managers hassen Donald Trump.”

So close.

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Viruses and other pathogens are often studied as stand-alone entities, despite that, in nature, they mostly live in multispecies associations called biofilms—both externally and within the host.


Microorganisms in biofilms are enclosed by an extracellular matrix that confers protection and improves survival. Previous studies have shown that viruses can secondarily colonize preexisting biofilms, and viral biofilms have also been described.

...we raise the perspective that CoVs can persistently infect bats due to their association with biofilm structures. This phenomenon potentially provides an optimal environment for nonpathogenic & well-adapted viruses to interact with the host, as well as for viral recombination.

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