Authors ClearingTheFog

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Remember, Trump waged a war on oversight, firing multiple Inspectors General, and replacing them with loyalists.

Today’s report that whitewashes Trump’s photo op at the church was written by one of Trump’s appointees.

Allowing them to stay does not protect our institutions.

We do not need Trump loyalists in government making policy recommendations.

Allowing them to remain does not strengthen our institutions, or public confidence in the same.

On the contrary, it weakens them.

Protecting and restoring faith in our institutions is exactly what we need to be doing right now.

But a fear of accusations of ‘partisanship’ can also be exploited by bad faith actors in ways that actively do the opposite.

The narrative war has not stopped.

Trump appointees in our government will attempt to whitewash his administration and cover up his wrongdoing, just as surely as Republicans are working to do the same in the Senate as we speak.

We simply, sadly, cannot afford to make the mistake of assuming good faith behavior.