The main problem with "Lift All Voices" as a justification for the Black National Anthem is the word "All." In order to achieve "All," the Woke are going to have to cook up more different unique national anthems than they have gender pronouns.

Mathematically speaking.


And why would the Black community be the first to get their own anthem over the American Indians? The Indians used to have all the land, and they still do have some of it.

(use of "American Indian" here is intentional, as that's what they prefer to call themselves)

This "inclusion by division" game is just the "separate but equal" logic for 1950s segregation reskinned, but when the Woke self segregate, they self segregate based on Krenshaw's Intersectional Matrix of Oppression, which in Theory is necessarily near infinite in size.

When the Woke did this with gender pronouns we went from 2 genders to 37 genders to infinite genders in the span of about 5 years, but the trans folks discovered this really didn't help them out on Tinder, so they pivoted back to "trans women are women" to try and get dates.

The only people left doing the "gender pronouns" game are the ones signaling their Wokeness on Twitter to their in-group, the trans women in the dating community aren't even doing it anymore. They've gone back to 2.

So we need a Jewish American National Anthem, and a Latin American National Anthem, and a Female National Anthem, and an Asian American National Anthem, and a Black Women's National Anthem, and off we go into a web of combinatorics math.

Let's do the math, because math is fun. Typical Intersectionality Matrix categories: race, sex, gender, sexuality, class, disability, religion, age. Sticking to common subgroups within these classifications, we've got around 12,960 combinations.

"All history is white history" is the Woke justification for having other kinds of history. Well, there might be black history, but also black female history, or such, because Intersectionality. Same number of combinations.

Once *two* national anthems isn't inclusive enough, the original National Anthem becomes classified as the White Male Male-identifying Hetero Rich Able Bodied Christian Adult national anthem.

And we have 12959 more National Anthems to go, before we've "Lifted All Voices."

Good luck ever getting your baseball game started.

It's almost as if inclusion and self-segregation don't work very well together.


More from Maths

It is trying when mathematicians declare condescendingly that there is no point doing things because their models tell them so. Well maybe some of the assumptions don't hold up. How did that work out for the no additional risk from large events and no point in border controls...

During wave 1 cases fell very fast, faster than I think most people were expecting. Particularly in Scotland. Rt was probably ~0.5 until we started easing off.

This was despite a constant leak of cases coming out of hospitals and LTC facilities as we were rationing PPE and are policies were nowhere near ideal. There was insistence from infection control that droplet protections were sufficient. We have all learned a lot since then.

Not to mention we have learned to avoid the shit show of actively importing cases into care homes. We've learned not to repeat that. Other sectors have learned too.

We've learned a lot and there's no reason we can't control this new variant. But we will not manage if we don't try and act with clarity of purpose.

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