#Ramayana #LecturesOnTheRamayana
In today's thread and perhaps some subsequent threads, we will start looking into Rama as a person. The author clearly tries to bring out the human aspect of Rama captured beautifully in some of the verses.
Please note, the discussion is NEVER challenging the supreme divinity of the person, but tries to capture the nuances or the finer points of the Bhagwan.
Sri Rama had extra-ordinary merit - Unequalled, Unmatched merit. He always remained at his own highest level.
He seldom fell below it at times, wherein one can spot the conditions that led to the decline. In these conditions, he did & said things that his own higher nature would never approve.
Sri Rama was indeed the guardian and embodiment in himself of Dharma.
Some incidents bring out the very best in him where he is able to uphold his own moral ideal.
For ex, when Vibhishina sought asylum, he held a council of war with all eminent counsellors. Except Hanuman whose advice was considered weak, rest all including Lakshmana ..
recommended him to reject Vibhishina, with a few even ordering killing him.
He listened to this charged conversation (a skill where we humans utterly lack today) & said the famous words:
" No man shall seek my protection in vain. No matter who, how undeserving, how wicked..