IS HISTORY ALL TRUE SERIES: when even the #Calendar isn’t❓

*Based on the noble science of #Astronomy; the sister science to #Geometry, #Mathematics and the “almost” lost numerical science mysteries. Which was mastered in

“ancient” times, but is close to forgotten, in these “modern” days. Go figure❗️😄☦️

Navigation of the oceans was man’s first real great step of personal evolution, here on earth. The earliest of discovered sciences; #astronomy; allowed men to navigate through
routes to known territories; or to discover new ones, by the endlessly reliable positions of the stars and constellations, in the night sky. Hence; much diligent study, over who knows how many epochs, and great civilizations; was an esteemed scholarly pursuit. And led to a vast
understanding of the mechanics of our solar system, as well as the natural cycles of our planet, that even we; in this so-called Information Age “high civilization, don’t often know even exists any longer. A decay of common knowledge, in our “modern” educations, actually.
#Calendars have come and gone In the last few thousand years; motivated apparently by the politics of the day, or personal whim even, by the rulers of the moment; which somehow stuck, from there, and has hardly ever been questioned again.
Yet too, led to this modern disconnection between us and the world/cosmos around us. Yes; we know we move around the sun, as why would the position of the constellations move otherwise; and that the moon orbits around us for 28/29 days too; otherwise the whole
model doesn’t quite work, nor make sense. The only knowledge we seem to recognize nowadays, in these awe inspiring stellar chart events, is when we look up when the next eclipse will be, etc: as these events run like clockwork up above us in the sky. And can be predicted even❗️
The extent of which, says so much more than nearly everyone even imagines.

As was said, before; that the pyramids at GIZA, megalithic sites such as Stonehenge and Avebury, and many other megalithic structures; were aligned by the ancients to correspond to a specific
point in sky/solar time; a far more ACCURATE dating than the calendar whims of the rulers of the day. One grand day of the planet taking 26000 years to complete. Which is how we know that the Pyramids are probably tens of thousands of years
older than “civilization is 6000 yrs old; bull-headed historians” will admit to. Within that grand cycle; there is another of 13000 years; and within the full grand day, what is known as the precession of the equinoxes.
Roughly 2166 year periods within the grand cycle, that the earth takes to change ITS “star sign,” which runs in reverse to that of individual people. The Mayans too; were great star/earth cycle charters. And as you know from pop culture, their last specific calendar chart of
association to the earth/solar systems’ natural cycles, ended in 2012. Which the world joked/expected/hoped to be “the end of the world”, but which actually, as with the precession of the equinoxes; just signals the end of the age of Pisces;
And the beginning of the Age of the Great Outpouring, that is the #AgeOfAquarius, that the hippies were all singing about in the 60s & 70s. The planet’s sun sign for the next 2166 years❗️HOW EXCITING❗️☦️♒️
Through the scientific process of in-depth records of observations:
for unknown reasons to those ancient astronomer sages who discovered this noble science; the position of the earth in its various rotations through the solar system; impacted our planet in a myriad of significant ways.
Over aeons of study (don’t forget the 30k yr old religion no one knew existed!😂) they learnt that macrocosmically; this cyclic “impact” of the precession of the equinoxes, was mirrored at a microcosmic level, in you; the individual, too❗️
But in the other direction, ie if you were born in Jan, you’d be an Aquarius; but in Feb you’d be a Pisces.(microcosmic “human” impacting months vs the 2166 years “month” of the planet) Hence the astrology you can read up on in magazines, that you know about;
but is just one degree/facet, of the infinitely more complex actual astrological natal chart, that was unique to you based on the minute of your birth (astrologers can calculate it for you) that impacts “who you are”, and the predispositions to the experiences you may go through
in this lifetime; which is seriously quite uncannily accurate. The why of which; is a whole other topic, but suffice to say; think of it like a roulette wheel; that sends you to the best fit conveyor belt for you to live out your karma in this lifetime, with
the people of your soul bloodline/who you have affinities with, or who owe you karma, or you them. Because we keep reincarnating here, over & over; remember. In the prison planet “soul therapy” programme we’re all trapped in.
For a reason that really is another topic, for another day; or maybe never.
So; clearly; if the planet’s grand cycle “year” lasts 26000 years; there must be a better way to date things/organize a calendar than those Romans and others who wanted to align it with their political activities; right❓
After all; an awareness with nature and the skies’ *actual* cycles can only make us more aware, curious human beings, after all❗️
So; macrocosmically; we know how that grand 26000 yr cycle is mirrored microcosmically in our annual solar year of 365.2 days. (The amount of time it takes to revolve around the sun/equinoxes)
Along with our progression of microcosmic “months” through the constellations in the sky
(vs Earth’s 2166yr “month” but in reverse)
So; in our people’s astrology/astronomy (as the sciences are ONE & THE SAME) the year starts in #Aries, & ends in #Pisces. (Names of the months 2)
In the planet’s grand cycle year, it goes backwards, from Pisces: note the PISCIS of ☦️Christianity that marked the coming of the Christ/Pisces era, (and don’t forget the repeat of the “Star of Bethlehem” Grand Jupiter/Saturn conjunction we just went through)
And is now (YIPPEE) in Aquarius; which pretty much ties in with the end of the Mayan #2012 calendar. Where the grand year actually starts it’s new cycle, is debatable; but it has been about 26000yrs since we were last in the #AgeOfAquarius: a Golden Age❗️(Like; WOOHOO. Jesus❗️😥)
And then too; another cultural/religious practice that died away with the “politics” of the Romans; was the observation of the Eauinoxes (equal day/nights) and the Winter/Summer Solstices of June and December; which practice endured to become the birthdate of Jesus the Nazorene.
ie Christmas (ala the recent repeat of the Star of Bethlehem).
So; yip; you guessed it; the year starts at the #SpringEquinox in March, in the N.Hemisphere, which ties in with #Easter ie #ISHTAR (eggs and bunny fertility symbols etc)
Which is the #FallEquinox in the S.Hemisphere. So; #ISHTAR, the festival of #ISIS (☦️EGYPTIAN ie the original KRISTIANS)that got merged by those same Romans when they formed one consolidated state religion narrative for “Christianity”. Also originally Egyptian; actually.
And so; that is the month when the Sun moves into the constellation of #ARIES (how they word it), our human start of the Zodiacal/Solar year.
Which is where the ephemeris comes in handy. (Hee hee) As it shows the exact date/time that the month changes to the first in the annual SOLAR calendar, ie ARIES. So, if you’re born on March 20th, your actual birthday is 1 ARIES. 😂
But; so you don’t get a brain freeze; we’ll stick to the Roman calendar months so you can easily understand what’s going on. So, per above example; your birthday would now be 1 March. And not the 20th.
There are still leap years; as it is *actually* the precession of the equinoxes that takes this exact amount of time to move through our Solar Year, exactly 365.2 days. That’s too, how we know they all line up.
Doesn’t like lose days, or anything. And “why” the what-should-be “☦️Feast Days/masses” of the equinoxes ie #Calendar below. 😎👇🏼
Astronomically, we add one day for the leap year, in #January now.

Enjoy. Like; it just makes awesome sense❗️
~Mom & Dads 🙏🏼🌹☦️
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