8 Practical Benefits of Upgrading your Mindset

Most people think mindset is just some feel-good phony baloney but the truth is mindset training has a ton of practical benefits.

Let's explore 8 of the biggest benefits today.




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1) See your mind as a department of the business You,inc.

Most people see their mindset as being synonymous with their identity.

Eg. I *feel* down therefore "I must be depressed".

This way of thinking f*cks up your self-confidence and stops you from growing.
Instead, see your mind as a department in a big corporation called you, inc.

You are the corporation and your mind is a part of that corporation.

Just like any department, it's a resource you can train, manage and improve.
2) Improve your sleep

You can't perform at your peak if you don't sleep well.

Poor sleep often goes hand-in-hand with a weak mindset.

Mindset training teaches you how to manage your stress, worries and anxieties which allows you to hit the hay with a clear mind.
3) Learning how to learn

We live in a time where choosing what to learn is just as important as how we learn.

Training your mind makes you an active learner.

You'll learn only what's useful, learn faster, retain better, have better ideas and turn those ideas into execution.
4) Depth > Width

Mindset training expands your focus and concentration levels.

While everyone else gets distracted with the wide range of dopamine heavy content coming from their phones

you can tap into your powers of concentration and go DEEP on a topic and become an expert.
5) Churn fear into self-confidence

Most of your fears are irrational.

Mindset training helps you confront your fears and 10x your confidence.

You'll learn to dance with pain rather than hide from it.

You'll grow while others plateau or go backwards.
6) Skyrocket your productivity

Do you suffer from procrastination, perfectionism and self-doubt?

Or can you sit down and pump out 3,4 or even 8 hours of quality work in a day?

A huge side effect of a strong mind is being ultra productive.

You'll start to hate time wasting.
7) Make better decisions

Most people make emotionally charged and therefore poor decisions.

When your mindset is strong

you'll make clear decisions that weighs both the pros and cons while giving you the flexibility to iterate if necessary.
8) Turn your inner critic into an inner coach

Research shows we have 10s of THOUSANDS of thoughts each day.

For most people, a majority of these thoughts are self-critical.

With mindset training most of your thoughts will either be positive and supportive.

It's like having..
access to a high performance coach, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When you do well, you'll get more encouragement.

When you do bad, you'll get useful feedback and find practical ways to improve.

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