This is how I got three job offers as a 16-year-old high school student.

( and why I rejected them )

June 2020.

I receive a DM from a college student in California. The message read something like this "Hey Pratham, I am one of the co-founders of XYZ Inc, a robotics company, we are looking to add enthusiastic people to our team, would you be interested?"

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It was the first time I had ever been offered a job, so I said Yes! (I did reject it later)

There were a couple of interview rounds I had to go through. None of them included technical questions, which was interesting.

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After the first interview, I saw the list of the roles I could apply for. I realized how little I knew, terms like "Ui/UX, ROS(Robot operating system)", at that time, I was overwhelmed.

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I knew that this wasn't a job for me. I decided that I would reject this job role even if I cleared the second round, which I ended up doing.

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August 2020

I had quite a bit of free time with me, and I had learned a decent amount of HTML, CSS, and JS.

What should I do next? Of course! Search for a job 😅
(Spoiler Alert: Bad decision)

I made a tweet asking if anyone wanted to hire me as a front end developer.
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That tweet exploded, and within an hour, I got a job offer.
I ended up having a zoom call with the CEO of the company.

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Things did not look right. They wanted me to create a full-stack production-ready application without any team or a senior developer's help. I ended up rejecting this offer.

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Late 2020

I get a DM from this person working on a startup based on a blockchain recommendation system, and the company was profitable. ( According to him)
They were even willing to pay me a very good salary.

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However, I honestly did not believe in the company's idealogy, which is why I rejected this offer too.

My parents told me that at this age, learning and exploring new things was really what I should be doing, not look for jobs.

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