The Transition from the old to the new.

The QFS is alive and doing its snoopy thing, but it is not yet active with accounts. How is the old going to transition to the new? This is a good question./1

The QFS must be active when the RV/Redemption takes place because all RV and Redemption funds will be placed in the QFS as gold-back currencies in the currency of the nation where the RV or the Redemption takes place./2
This is the Global Currency Reset that all countries will go through when the funds are released. The RV funds are released and deposited into QFS accounts as gold-backed currencies; thus the Global Currency Reset./3
Keep in mind that this Global Currency Reset means the world has reset their currencies to the whole new system of finance for the world.
There will be no fanfare or public announcement when the QFS is activated./4
There are those in the financial industry who will know or suspect that the QFS has been turned on but there will be very few “tells” that it has been activated and fully functioning. The alliance wants this to be seamless./5
Obviously, a customer may ask questions as to why their account was not dinged for an overdraft fee, but the Teller can just say we don’t do that anymore./6
When the QFS has been activated there will be no fees for any financial services; no more Ussery fees on loans, no more theft by bankers, no more delays in transferring funds;/7
it will just simply be an account-to-account transfer, all within the QFS initiated by the individual account holder without any requirement of someone doing it for them./8
The customer will just put a smile on their face and walk away wondering how the bank will make money in the future. That will be the question in the minds of many customers./9
It is really the end of an era of financial manipulation by bankers to make money off of other people’s money. The QFS is free, secure, and lightning-fast./10
There will be a transition as the old CB financial system goes into foreclosure and the new QFS takes over.11/11
-Ron Giles-

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