Introducing “Financial Service Centers.” The future of the new Financial Service Industry.

There is a need that the banking system has provided for all of society that cannot be eliminated within the new Quantum Financial System./1

The financial system is the glue that holds society together as we go about our commerce one with another. It is essential./2
As long as money is used to exchange goods and services, it is a service that must continue in some form, hopefully, better. Positioning ourselves to perform this service is essential./3
As the Zim Benefactors begin their humanitarian activities, a new Financial Service Industry will need to be created out of the demise of the banks. It is a major facet of society that few Zim Benefactors have given any thought to./4
The Financial Services Industry is just as important as putting food on the table and a roof over the heads of humanity if society is to be successful. Again, it is the glue or mortar, that keeps the bricks of society together./5
With the lack of any profits in the QFS structure, it will fall upon Zim Benefactors with large sums of money to rescue the banking structure and create a new Financial Service Industry called Financial Service Centers./6
We can do this by purchasing the assets of the banking industry and turning the whole structure, as it presently exists, into Financial Service Centers. The Real Estate is there, the employees are there, and the customers are there waiting to be served./7
If we as a group of Zim Benefactors, who have the ability to find great people who want to continue to be of service, we can purchase the assets including the branches, and pay for the entire structure without a profit incentive./8
So which one of us Zim Holders will settle for $12 million dollars to redeem a 100T Zim Note? Only the uninformed that listens to the Deep State gurus./9
Present employees with upper management, middle management, right down to the tellers, can be put on very high paying salaries supplied by the Revenue Sharing Solutions structure./10
They will receive Employment Contract Shares for their work as well as the Individual Shareholder program./11
Each existing bank can be purchased by Zim Benefactors, and depending on the timing, we can turn it all around from a sector in society that is in decline to one that is alive and well and serving the needs of the people./12
Consumers will always need loans for cars, homes, etc. and may need help with learning how to use the QFS for their own personal financial needs. All of this can be supplied by turning the banking structure into Financial Service Centers,/13
a place where their questions can be answered./14
By customer permission, tellers will have access to their accounts in the QFS and can help with getting cash, etc. as well as depositing checks into the QFS from their jobs, if they are not on Employment Contracts from the RSS program./15
For those people who are associated with the Love Won Society programs, it is not hard to see some major opportunities to serve our communities with many benefits for the basic structure in society, the family. We've got a lot of work to do to implement this new QFS in society.16
The QFS is our tool to do the work we came here to do. Our job will be to position ourselves to serve in many capacities that we perhaps have not thought about before./17
-Ron Giles-

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1. Review your expenses and make a budget

It will help you see where you overspend, make a plan to save, pay down debt and start

2. Set your investing and retirement goals

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3. The earlier you start investing, the better.

Here's why and how time and compounding can become your

4. Invest in an index fund

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