Fear is being used to subdue you and make you compliant.
How can you untangle yourself from the tentacles of fear?
How can you regain freedom over your life and your mind?

“In the totalitarian regime,...the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorise, to salivate when the bell rings.” 2/n
Source 1: https://t.co/gTVyiQfKaB
(Pavlov's dog- classical conditioning experiment)
"human beings, already being quite smart, need to be dumbed down. You won’t disobey an order if you lack the cognitive ability to question it." 3/n
(Source 1)
How do you dumb down humans?
"the common denominator for increasing suggestibility is switching off executive function in the prefrontal cortex – disabling the superego, the conscience, the internal monologue." (Source 1) 4/n
How can you switch off the frontal cortex?
By activating the amygdala: the fear centre. This tiny little red dot, part of the limbic system. 5/n
What is the limbic system?
The limbic system is responsible for learning, memory, motivation, stress response, and guess what? the immune system.
The main structures are:
a) Amygdala: regulates fear
b) Hippocampus: responsible for memory & learning
c) Hypothalamus: regulates the autonomic nervous system (breathing, digestion, heartbeat)
d) Thalamus: releases norepinephrine for alertness or in response to stress.

What happens when your amygdala is activated?
Your body goes into a flight or fight response.
When this happens, your frontal cortex shuts down and you operate with your reptilian brain. 9/n
Image source: https://t.co/cwBduE9WcE
These are reptiles. They are scaly, slippery and not very smart. You don't want to be caught behaving like one. 10/n
Do you feel like you have lost control over your life and you don't know what to believe, who to believe or what to do?
Would you like to regain your ability to exercise your human faculties?


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First, accept this:
“At a very broad, bird’s eye view level, worldwide the IFR of COVID-19 [a measure of its lethality] this season may be in the same ballpark as the IFR of influenza (0.1%, 0.2% in a bad year).” - Dr John Ioannidis @StanfordMed
Then 1) start breathing or do some mindfulness exercises. This will calm your amygdala and deactivate it.
2) eat natural a non-processed, low sugar, low carb diet
3) take Omega 3 supplements
4) eat foods rich in antioxidants
5) get some sun or Vit D

6) reduce your toxic load (exposure to chemicals from your external environment + unnecessary medications + cosmetics + cleaning agents)
7) get enough sleep
8) exercise
9) laugh & have fun
10) connect with your loved ones and get plenty of hugs & kisses

Guess what else will improve if you do all of the above?
Back to the article that inspired all of this...
"In consumer psychology, there is even a technique called ‘disrupt-then-reframe’: bamboozle people first and they’ll be more likely to buy what you’re selling" 4/n
(Source 1)
In other words, dupe people about the severity of C19, sustain the fear and encourage compliance through mandating masks then sell them a rushed vaccine. 17/n
"masks “lead to lower restraints on behaviour”" due to loss of anonymity.
Have you seen how the police and the mask zealots have been behaving? Now you know why.

"Pope Innocent III banned masks as part of his fight against immorality" (Source 1) 18/n
In 2011, #France banned face coverings in public areas, despite it being a personal preference.
In 2020, most countries are imposing face coverings in public, despite it being unwanted by many.
Governments are meddling with our dress code. 19/n
"Studies have shown that clothing has a powerful effect on how we think (or not), via a principal known as enclothed cognition" (Source 1)

Masks have the effect of shutting people up and making them submissive. They sustain the fear and strip you of your human faculties.
Speak out. Let's ban face coverings mandates across the world before we are silenced for good.

More from Abir Ballan

Humans inherently like the act of solidarity. We are social beings. We like to huddle up and be together.
They used this against us.
They convinced us that it was an act of solidarity to flatten the curve, to wear a mask for others, to take the vaccines for others,

and to reach #covidzero for others. They convinced us that this was for the greater good of society.
In reality, this couldn't be further away from the truth. They have divided us and broken the core structure of our society. They have dehumanized us with their masks.

They set us against each other into clans on opposite sides of a spectrum. They have turned us into aggressive beings fighting for our survival. Some of us fear harm from the virus, others fear harm from the vaccine, and yet others fear harm from the attack on our civilization.

We are all on a flight or fight mode. We are all operating under the influence of fear. We must collect ourselves and reflect on what has happened over the last year.
How is this for the greater good of society?

They used a tactical warfare strategy against us.
'Divide and conquer'.
We fell for it.
Now we must become aware of it and fight back.
We must reunite. We must find true solidarity to save our world. To free ourselves. To regain our autonomy.
A brief tutorial in health education to show you how sound health education models have been used for manipulation instead of creating health awareness during the COVID 19 pandemic. We'll uses masks as an example of a health behavior.
Are you ready to explore? 1/n

The Health Belief Model (HBM) consists of 5 components: perceived threat (lethality + Susceptibility),
perceived benefits,
perceived barriers and
cues to action.

Familiarise yourself with the definition of each concept in this table. 2/n

Study this diagram to understand how the components are interrelated. 3/n

Now let’s apply this to the COVID 19 pandemic.
Review this diagram to see how the HBM applies to the behaviour of mask-wearing.
“perceived susceptibility appeared to be the most significant factor determining compliance” 4/n

Part I: The HBM
Increase the perceived threat of a disease
1) increase perceived severity: Confusing the general public with CFR & IFR- 2 indicators that are an order of magnitude apart.
People understood wrongly that the fatality rate of C19 is

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