Instead of today's thread, let's have some fun

1 RT = 1 Life Lesson

First one is on the house.


Those you trust the most are those in the best position for betrayal.
Active listening is a false God.

Most people will waste your mental space.
If you want to say "no", dont use any other word.
Seeking approval is the first step to auto destruction
Time management is pain management.
Depression is a social construct.

We all have low moments, you don't need those pills.
No one should be your role model.
Your only limit is your own thoughts
Your only concern should be yourself.

Everyone is doing that anyway.
It's useless to set goals if you don't make plans to achieve them.
People will always try to dominate you.

Do it before they even attempt to.
Power games are everywhere.

If you're not playing, you're being played.
Controlling your subconscious makes you more of a human being and less of an animal.
Don't trust no one.
Always be wary.

But don't get paranoid, just be ahead.
Learn Marketing not to sell, but not to get fooled instead.
There is nothing you can't learn on your own.
Not only is no one coming to save you, but you're probably also not going to save yourself before fucking up many times.
You are being lied to at least twice an hour.

Every. Single. Day.
No one will build your self-confidence.

At best, they'll make you delusional.

That is YOUR responsibility.
Less than 3 people on Earth truly want to see you succeed.
There is no success without organization.

There is no organization without chaos.
The ability to focus is not as half as important as the ability to shift focus.
You're not poor if you got time.

You're not rich if you don't own your time.
People's opinion of you can never physically hurt you.
Value your time if you want to get respected.
Discipline is just a cute word for habit building
Life is not fair.

Crying over this fact makes you a loser.

Go out there and fight for whats yours.
Never depend on others for your plans.

Do your thing and those who love you will follow.
You are responsible for everything that happens to you after you reach the age of 7.
"What does this guy want"

Should be the first thing you think when someone says Hello.
People are afraid of the unknown because they don't know themselves enough.
Peace of mind is a choice not a result.
Being needy kills your worth.
Honor your family name more than you honor your first name.
You are unique and exceptional and no one can ever take that away from you.
You can't trust your instincts if you're often wrong.
Developing a strong instinct comes from compounding correct rational decisions.
Worrying too much is the first cause of depression.

Live the moment.
Never trust people that INSIST on the fact that they're loyal.
Most people on Twitter are deeply stupid.
You define your own value.

Others will just deal with what you impose.
Coming early and leaving late is sign of social neediness.
If you rely on others, you will forever live in their shadow.
"Everyone is egotistical and it's okay."

People who put you down secretly want to use you.
Virtues are overrated.

Self-interest is underrated.
Every second that goes by influences future you.
"It's not about time, it's about mental space"

Morning meditation improves drastically the rest of your day.
Anyone preaching the use of drugs is living in a delusional world.
You are not what society imposed on you.
Thinking comes before acting.

Be proactive not reactive.
Being realistic doesnt mean being pessimistic neither does it mean being optimistic.

Stop hiding behind that word.
You don't chose where you come from.

You chose where you end up.
Poor genetics is a poor excuse.
Your potential is equal to zero if you let someone else define it for you.
Money is a result.

Money is a tool.

Money is NOT a life goal.
You start dying the moment you kill your ambition.
Be the kind of person you wish you had as a friend.
Your only responsibility is your own success.

Achieve that and you'll inevitably pull up your close ones.
Being different means being superior or inferior.

There is no neutral difference.

Except for colours.
Don't break any rule if you're not certain of getting away with it.
"Narcissism can't be wrong if you're simply superior to most people"

Most of your thoughts were induced to you by other people.
People who seek your empathy want you to get weaker.
Life is about compounding wins and lessons.
If failure is an option, winning is mandatory.
You can't have a purpose in life if you don't know what YOU desire.
If they tweet about water more than once a week, unfollow them.
Life takes all its meaning when you ignore what others think of you.
What you read every day on Twitter impacts your life without you even realizing it.
You can forget when you win.

But that time you lost will forever be printed in your memories.
No Twitter guide will get you a personality.

Homage @FrazzleDazzzled
Most people who will congratulate you have a strong feeling of envy.

The ones that don't, truly appreciate you.
You were conditioned to think the way you do.

You were not condition to think that way forever.
I'm taking a brief pause and will resume in a moment.
Respect the rules until you become the one that makes them


He said it differently but he said it
People who agree easily either have no personality or a plan to backstab you.
There is no better motivation than failure.

There is no better reason to improve if you've never suffered.
Looking at yourself in the mirror increases your self-awareness.

You need to know what YOU look like.
Self-talk defines your level of confidence.
Losers don't realize that they're doing it on purpose.

They either think life is hard on them or are completely delusional about their situation.
This is an example but the lesson is there:

@EgoDriv wouldn't be a success if he didn't deliver regardless of the results.
The number of people you know ha a direct correlation with your level of influence
Act as if you need no one.

Act as if everyone needs you.
You can't be confident if you never achieved anything.

You can't achieve anything if you're not confident enough to start.
You can't influence others if you don't master control your own behavior.
Remember those who believed in you.

Bury those who doubted you.
Find out what triggers them.

Keep it secret until they try to trigger you.
Don't forgive more than once.

MOVE ON & never look back.
People who will disappoint you the most either have no respect for you or idolize you.

"Only the strongest survives" will always be relevant.

It's the definition of strength and power that evolves over time.
Never take the blame for someone else.
Everyone is using other people.

The thing is to find people who's interests are aligned with yours.

Mutual benefit > Any sort of benefit
Others will never teach you as much as your mistakes will.

It's great to know other perspective, but there is no lesson without experience.
Your body language expresses more than your words will ever do.
Never forget what made you shed a tear.

Dont let it happen ever again.
Never let social media replace your social life.
Be a slave of your own happiness.

Can't go wrong.
Every person that likes you benefits from you.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.
People who worry too much about their image have a laughable of self-esteem.
You will have infinite inspiration if you stop searching for it.
Luck will never be worth the feeling getting the job done.
The human being is profoundly insecure.

Including you.
The key to a happy life is to act regardless of who's watching you.
They say ignorance is bliss.

Let me tell you Stupidity is a blessing in disguise.

Can't get offended if you dont understand to begin with.
Social Media beef is not always pointless.

Most will disagree but I just told you power games are everywhere.
Most leaders are not qualified enough to be.

Most of them will seek personal gain as soon as they take control.
If they give up, they were never fit.

Those who are worth it don't need extra incentives when obstacles are faced.
Here is one from my friend @SculptYourMind
If you rely on hope, you will most likely be deceived.

Rely on what you control instead.
No one respects a person with no skills.

Stand out.
Being supportive is great for social networking.

Being supported is better for self-empowerment.
Never let anyone put a leash on you.

Dont owe anyone anything.

Always give back what you get.
Pay for your friends whenever you can.

Thank me later.
Money is only use is to leverage power and influence.
People with too many insecurities will project them on you.

It will subconsciously affect yout behavior if you're too close to them.
Calculated risk is always lower.

But lower risk often means lower returns.
Will resume once I get past 8k.

More from E-go Driven

How to instantly stop being depressed.

If you're currently depressed and you're seeing this tweet,

THIS is your lucky day.


If you are already following me you probably have already read the thread below,

If not, start there and come back

The ONE thing you need to do is let go.

Except letting go is never easy.

In order to do it, there is no choice but to face everything.

My favorite method is pen and paper.

Write down EXACTLY what is making you feel depressed.

Visualize your demons.

Once you write down everything, it is time to think about a very simple question

What can I do about each of these stuff that is bothering me?

If you can do something about it, put a check.

If you can't do anything, leave it blank. We'll get back to this.

Now for all the stuff you can fix,

Define exactly what you should do to get it done.

Explicitly write what you need to do to stop worrying about this and that.

Fix a deadline.

You now have goals.

Achieve them.

More from Life

It doesn't happen because you want it to happen.

It doesn't happen because you made it happen.

It happens because you allow it to happen.

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🌿𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓 : 𝑫𝒉𝒓𝒖𝒗𝒂 & 𝑽𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒏𝒖

Once upon a time there was a Raja named Uttānapāda born of Svayambhuva Manu,1st man on earth.He had 2 beautiful wives - Suniti & Suruchi & two sons were born of them Dhruva & Uttama respectively.

Now Suniti was the daughter of a tribal chief while Suruchi was the daughter of a rich king. Hence Suruchi was always favored the most by Raja while Suniti was ignored. But while Suniti was gentle & kind hearted by nature Suruchi was venomous inside.

The story is of a time when ideally the eldest son of the king becomes the heir to the throne. Hence the sinhasan of the Raja belonged to Dhruva.This is why Suruchi who was the 2nd wife nourished poison in her heart for Dhruva as she knew her son will never get the throne.

One day when Dhruva was just 5 years old he went on to sit on his father's lap. Suruchi, the jealous queen, got enraged and shoved him away from Raja as she never wanted Raja to shower Dhruva with his fatherly affection.

Dhruva protested questioning his step mother "why can't i sit on my own father's lap?" A furious Suruchi berated him saying "only God can allow him that privilege. Go ask him"
Still wondering about this 🤔

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