How to force someone to do what you want

A manipulation thread


Keep your bullshit & virtue signaling for yourself.
We all, at some point or another, need to manipulate people.
You won't always get what you want ethically.
Sometimes you just have to use manipulation techniques.

Let's start.
1- Understand & Identify Leverage:

If you want someone to do what you want them to do, you need to pull the right levers.

For that, you need to identify what can be used against them.

Be it their insecurities or something they want, situations differ.
In most cases, fear is the most powerful leverage.

Fear of negative emotions is one thing that works like a charm.

You have to make them think that not doing what you want will induce negative emotions, most people suffer from a phobia of said negative emotions.

Use it.
If you can manage to induce fear into them, you will get them to do exactly what you want.
Another alternative is greed.

People are greedy. But this doesn't apply to everyone as fear does.

You need to be careful when leveraging greed as you will be slightly more straightforward and might face resistance.
That's why, in order to use greed, you must also make them feel envy.

People are not only greedy, they also tend to be envious.

If you can make them compare themselves to someone else who's doing what you want, you got them.
2- Make Them Think It's Their Decision:

Many are simply stubborn.

If they don't feel like it's what THEY want to do, they won't do it.

If you HAVE to manipulate someone, you should conceal your intentions and make them think you have no stakes in it.
This might be the most important element of the whole process.

If you pull the right levers but expose your intentions, you might still not get what you want.
3- Don't Talk About it Afterwards

Once you achieve what you want, you might be tempted to congratulate them and talk positively about what they just did.

Don't do it.

Remain neutral.

They should never know.
Other ways to do this include:

- Pressuring through Insistance
- Leveraging people's need for validation
- Leveraging natural authority

Manipulation is vague and can be done in many ways.

This thread was a simplification of the process.
Do you want an edge over most people?
Do you want to learn how to handle human nature?

It's one click away.

Don't take my word for it.

Listen to the members.
That's a wrap!

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More from E-go

How to instantly stop being depressed.

If you're currently depressed and you're seeing this tweet,

THIS is your lucky day.


If you are already following me you probably have already read the thread below,

If not, start there and come back

The ONE thing you need to do is let go.

Except letting go is never easy.

In order to do it, there is no choice but to face everything.

My favorite method is pen and paper.

Write down EXACTLY what is making you feel depressed.

Visualize your demons.

Once you write down everything, it is time to think about a very simple question

What can I do about each of these stuff that is bothering me?

If you can do something about it, put a check.

If you can't do anything, leave it blank. We'll get back to this.

Now for all the stuff you can fix,

Define exactly what you should do to get it done.

Explicitly write what you need to do to stop worrying about this and that.

Fix a deadline.

You now have goals.

Achieve them.

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A great product for a great cause.

Congrats Chris on winning $250!


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A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


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Dalton is a beast. I'm so excited he placed in the top 10.


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I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!