Why would Intelligence be interested in faking a serial killer? Simple: to create instability and fear. This was one of the prime goals of Intelligence at the time, and of course it still is.

In the 1960's, the FBI had COINTELPRO and the CIA had CHAOS, and both programs have been partially declassified now, enough so that we know the one of the directives of each program was destabilization.
And this was not just destabilization of the “enemy.” This was a general destabilization of the whole society. Since the entire society was seen to be moving left in the 1960's, the FBI and the CIA felt that general destabilization was necessary to maintain control.
Of course they had been creating fear since the end of WW2, but that was mainly to keep military expenditures high. They needed to justify continued military spending, as well as spending to expand Intelligence, and the best way to do that was to manufacture conflict and fear.
The Cold War was manufactured by both sides, since it allowed for massive “defense” budgets both here and in Russia. The Red Scare in the 1950's was part of that creation of general fear.
But by the late 1960's, the Government had domestic problems to deal with, including an ever-increasing resistance to the Vietnam War.

Communism had been destroyed domestically—everybody knew that—so they needed a different way to create general fear.
One of the ways they decided to do that was with manufactured bogeymen of the Manson, Bundy type. Manson's bogeyman was created as a hippie in order to destroy the hippie movement, and he was incredibly successful in his role.
But by 1975 the hippie movement was also dead, so the bogeymen no longer needed to be of that mold. They now wished to demonize the goodlooking white guy. Why? Several reasons.
First of all, the charismatic, college-educated white guy was still the most dangerous person in the eyes of Intelligence at that time, since in 1975 he still had the most real power.
The good-looking white guy had been the biggest thorn in their side during the hippie movement and the war protest movement. They had been the high-profile speakers with the most bravery, tenacity, and the greatest ability to sway a crowd.
Therefore, Intelligence wanted to recruit all the charismatic white guys they could into their agencies, and hog-tie the rest.
Intelligence also wished to create as much sexual dissatisfaction as they could because they found it helped sales in all areas. The dissatisfied bought more drugs, more liquor, more guns, more magazines, more newspapers, watched more TV, and were generally easier to propagandize
And this time, the focus was on women. If Intelligence could make women fear all men—especially the goodlooking ones—they would immediately create huge levels of sexual dissatisfaction.
These women would then watch soap operas and read pulp romances and join feminist groups, where they could be further propagandized.
They would suffer from a thousand forms of anxiety and all the mental and physical effects of that anxiety, which would require a million forms of drugging and therapy, legal and illegal. And as the women went, so did the men.
If the heterosexual women could be driven nuts, the heterosexual men would be taken down with them. The sexual relationship is like that: if you destroy one half of it, the other half falls as well.
Of course this is still the program, and it seeds Oprah's empire as well as half the hospitals. It seeds the pharmaceutical industry, the porn industry, Hollywood, the cosmetic industry, radical feminism, women's studies, men's studies, postmodern art, and a thousand TV channels
The government has been manufacturing tragedies year by year for decades, and before the Covid fraud we were up to several a month, just to keep the patient properly traumatized.
It used to be that one fake serial killer every couple of years would do the job, but in this as in everything else, the patient develops a tolerance. After 911, the audience became more difficult to startle.
In addition to your daily dose of shootings, maulings, rapes, suicides, crashes and molestations (most of them also manufactured for your viewing pleasure by the Intelligence agencies), you started to be privy to at least one mass shooting or bombing every two or three months.
It was found that the serial killer story took too long to unwind, so they ditched it. You didn't get serial killers much anymore. It was mass shootings instead, since they happen all at once. The American public no longer has the attention span required to follow a serial killer
Think about that, please. Don't you think it is convenient that crazy murderers decided to quit the serial thing and go in for the mass thing instead? So nice of them to change with the times, scripting their madness to fit the demands of the media!
As Ted Bundy goes, so goes Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Kaczinski, David Berkowitz, Richard Ramirez, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Anders Breivik, Charles Manson and most of the other high-profile murderers.
@threadreaderapp unroll

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