At the root of my work is safeguarding human life. I support a massive buildout of public transit because it makes life fundamentally better, reduces greenhouse emissions, and saves lives. 1/

In the United States, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death and injury for children under the age of 18. 2/
A few years ago my family and I were driving from visiting relatives in Texas when we were stuck in traffic on the I-10. We were at a complete dead stop when a woman (texting) in a Suburban hit us at 70 mph. She crushed the back of our car like a soda can. 3/
Thankfully, our two-year-old was in a good carseat and I absorbed the brunt of the injuries with a few shards of glass in my scalp. I won't show those pictures! While a high speed rail network along the Gulf Coast may have not prevented that accident, it could prevent most. 4/
Electrifying household appliances will reduce our 'dependence' on natural gas and transmission methane leaks, but the switch will also cut the number of carbon monoxide poisonings and natural gas related explosions that kill Americans everyday. 5/
Stoping the buildout of petrochemical plants in my home, Louisiana, will help diversify our economy and make it a more livable state - but it will also stop imposing upon innocent people the terrible cost of cancer, respiratory disease, and other diseases of industry. 6/
This one hits particularly close for me as every other person in my family has battled some kind of cancer (triple negative breast cancer for my mom) or suffers from respiratory disease. 7/
If I ever seem too angry, it's because I am. I have spent too much of my life in hospital waiting rooms, chemotherapy rings, and forcing a toddler to sit still with a nebulizer. 8/
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about the "costs" of an energy transition. I'm tired of an corporatists and ghouls pretending like they are the 'adult in the room' while dismissing real lives as the cost of doing business. The status quo is a conscious and active choice. 9/
Your marginal cost is an actual human being. Tepid and means-tested programs, incremental tax credits, market-driven malarkey are all craven public policy - they are an abdication of real moral governance. This is all a story - it's all a choice - & we can demand and do more. 10

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