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BOTOX FOR MIGRAINES: Key to success is depositing the Botox in the best tissue: mid-body & occipital insertion site of the most spastic Superior trapezius muscle; chronic spasm of which induces chronic muscle tension headaches and reflexive Migraine.

Way to discern spastic unilateral Superior trapezius muscle: look in mirror, view your auto driver license photo, & to pinch leading edge of each Superior trapezius to determine which leading edge is painful to pressure & also thicker; from supporting a chronically tilted head.

Looking in the mirror enables the person to view which shoulder is lower. The head usually tilts toward the lower shoulder side; causing Superior trapezius muscle on the higher shoulder side to be spastic from chronically supporting a tilted head (weighs about 10#).

The drivers license photo often confirms which shoulder is lower and provides clue as to which direction the head usually & chronically tilts. Some people pick a posed posture & straighten up when they pose for a photo. Therefore, other and more candid photos might be examined.

Often, especially in hyper-mobile women, the spine is curved with a functional scoliosis (straightens when reclined), and this is explanation for the asymmetric shoulders and tilted head.
Mental Health & Twitter.

Lets cut the crap: many of you on this app are not okay.

It has been a bad 10 months, & while some cracked earlier, some of you are starting to crack down recently & it's time we talk about it.


First thing's first: it's okay to not be okay.

We have all suffered the lockdowns, economic turmoil & worldwide events in different ways.

Nobody can say that they had a perfect year.


Before going into why I think many of you are not okay, here are a few things we can physically change to make it better:

- Move more & do exercise
- Proactively get more sun & fresh air
- Unfat yourself

Mind is body, body is

Now, to the Twitter part. Many of you are so far down a rabbit hole that only does you harm the only reason you aren't coming out of it is due to the sunk-costs fallacy.

You have invested so much time going through a specific road your ego won't let you pause & go back.


You've followed people for so long you do not want to unfollow or mute.

People you like & have followed for ages who do not have your best interests in mind.

All they do is purposefully make you upset & rile you up.

All they do is groom you. Because u "wanna stay informed"

“Belief” is NOT a Medical Counter Measure

Through April 2020, the official recommendation by the Journal of the American Medical Association was unambiguous.

“Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection...

...because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.”

Part of that lack of evidence in fact showed that cloth facemasks actually increased influenza-linked...


In contravention to established science, States, municipalities and businesses have violated the legal requirements for the promulgation of medical counter measures during a public health emergency stating a “belief” that face masks limit...

...the spread of SARS CoV-2. To date, not a single study has confirmed that a mask prevented the transmission of, or the infection by SARS CoV-2.

All parties mandating the use of facemasks are not only willfully ignoring established science but are engaging in what amounts... a whole population clinical trial. This conclusion is reached by the fact that facemask use and COVID-19 incidence are being reported in scientific opinion pieces promoted by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and