A small thread on intraday support resistance logics over time

The most common is Pivot , support and resistances calculated from the previous day's data


They can be calculated for daily, weekly, monthly etc.

Camarilla levels are also quite popular. This seemed to be the next best thing after the original pivots at one point of time.

Over the years, many other technicians have tried to devise other methods to devise intraday support resistance points. In almost all cases, the previous days OHLC were used in some variation, in some cases today's OPEN was also used as an input
I have gone through almost all of the formulas. Some work on some days, some days it doesn't.
What struck me was that in each of the cases , we were using the OHLC and doing some maths with a multiplier/divider which WE/the trader thought fits the price action of the markets
This is the same as choosing a time period of an indicator and hope the market follows my choice of time frame to give me good trades. Like say a crossover of a 5/13 moving average, or a 14 period RSI or whatever.
These periods are determined by backtesting over a set of data and finding the best fit for that market.
Now the problem is, what has worked on the past set is on the past set. There is no guarantee that it will work in the future. As markets change, what do we do ?
We continuously change the timeframe based on the best fit on some backdata ? ( continuous optimization)

A few lines of code on python can do this ( choosing some X period of backdata, identifying the best fit and applying them the next day).
We can term it as ML, AI, neural net whatever, but the fact remains it's glorified curve fitting. Chances of such approach working are at best, random.
I walked on a completely different path after going through everything. Rather than backtesting, I decided to forward test. Small trades with my own money and posting the levels on twitter. If the levels did not work, the feedback on twitter would obviously be negative.
If the levels were of importance, then also twitter would provide me the required feedback from hundreds of traders.
Hence I started posting on twitter
Hence, you see the Ranges and Balance everyday. There is another element in this study which I so far have not posted, a BIAS. A BIAS is simply whether you should be bullish or bearish for the day. Will start posting that too from next week after I make the requisite changes
I have always believed in sharing codes or logic. But my experiences on social media have made me realise, that these codes gets repackaged/pirated and sold/used. The same people then come after me including the self- proclaimed quants.
So no free lunch ( free open code), if someone is that smart let him/her work in identifying how I am doing this. I will not utter a single word on the construction as some very smart people on my twitter timeline can then work in deciphering the code / approach.
From next week, will be posting the the levels with BIAS.
Will also write a detailed article/manual on how to use the levels in intraday trading .

Thank you for reading through my rant :)

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Ok here is the explanation. Grab a cup of coffee and read on. If you have not read/noticed this, you will see intraday options movement in a new light.

Say we have two options, one 50 delta ATM options and another 30 delta OTM option. Normally for a 100 point move, the ATM option will move 50 points and the OTM option will move 30 points. But in a high volatile environment, the OTM option will also move nearly 50 points

To understand why this happens, first understand why an ATM option is 50 delta. An ATM option has the probability of 50% of expiring as ITM. The price just has to close a rupee above the strike for the CE to be ITM and vice versa for PEs

Now think of a highly volatile day like today. If someone is asked where the BNF will close for the day or expiry, no one can answer. BNF can close freakin anywhere, That makes every option of an equal probability of being ITM. So all options have a 50% probability of being ITM

Hence, when a huge volatile move starts, all OTM options behave like ATM options. This phenomenon was first observed in the Black Monday crash of 1987 at Wall Street, which also gave rise to the volatility skew/smirk

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The Dutch regulator and DNB as financial supervisor are a tough cookie to deal with. In essence they hyperregulate EU-rules into goldplated Dutch rules which go beyond what is prescribed in Europe.

All NL-customers at British banks may thus be kicked out on brexit.



If we start with the capital requirements directive, it says attracting deposits is forbidden. In article 9.


Now the translation of that rule into Dutch law is slightly expanded to not only prohibit attracting deposits, but to also prohibit, having those deposits under custody ('ter beschikking hebben').

That's not in EU law, but it is in our Dutch law.


So if you wonder how this would work out for UK banks and Payment institutions servicing Dutch customers. Have a read at the technical explanation of DNB, the financial supervisor and their summarising table.


Passive servicing of Dutch is not allowed!

Any bank or PSP in the UK that continues to serve Dutch customers (as in retail customers, professional players are excepted) can thus be subject to fines and policing under Dutch law.

Meaning we not only have Accidental American issues in payments, but also Accidental Dutchies
As the DeFi bull market continues, some brutally honest tips for new founders fundraising in crypto.


1/ The discount you offer to strategic investors is both to account for the risk of an unlaunched product, but also as compensation for continued value add and support.

So make sure you know the investor will support you and not leave you on read once the docs are signed!

2/ Having someone on your cap table/ token allocation is as important as hiring.

You wouldn't hire someone just because they are influencers on Twitter- you do your reference checks and find evidence of value add from other companies the investor has invested in.

3/ Don't trust, verify.

Many investors will promise you the world when they're trying to get on your cap table.

Talk to founders they backed to see how much of it is bullshit. Ask them about how the investor was there for them during hard times.

4/ Don't just go for "name brand" funds because you want the brand.

Sure, it's great validation, but optimize for fit, not vanity.

However, I do think many well-known VCs are good actors, especially those with roots in successful trad VCs. They have a rep for a reason!
I'm lucky to attain financial freedom before 30.

I credit Fintwit for my learnings.

Here's 10 key concepts every investor must know:

1. $$ needed to retire
2. Researching a business
3. Reading annual reports
4. Reading earnings calls
5. Criteria of a multi bagger

(Read on...)

6. Holding a multi bagger
7. Economic moats
8. When to buy a stock
9. Earnings vs cashflow
10. Traits of quality companies

Here's my 10 favourite threads on these concepts:

1. How much $$ do you need to retire

Before you start, you must know the end game.

To meet your retirement goals...

How much $$ do you need in your portfolio?

10-K Diver does a good job explaining what's a safe withdrawl rate.

Hint: It's NOT

2. Research a business

Your investment returns are a lagging indicator.

Instead, your research skills are the leading predictor of your results.


To be a good investor, you must be a great business researcher.

Start with

3. Reading annual reports

This is the bread and butter of a good business analyst.

You cannot just listen to opinions from others.

You must learn to deep dive a business and make your own judgments.

Start with the 10k.

Ming Zhao explains it

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