1/ I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new website, a one-stop shop for all the content I'm creating.

There you'll find links to all my podcasts, the TTMYGH newsletter, and other exciting future projects.

2/ In 2020, I reignited my passion for interviewing brilliant people by launching The Grant Williams Podcast in various forms, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, and The Narrative Game.
3/ Starting February 1, I'm taking the bold step of moving these podcasts completely behind a paywall.

For the very affordable price of only $10 a month, listeners can gain access to the Copper Tier of https://t.co/fxUfH8maI4, which includes all current & future podcasts.
4/ Why am I doing this? First and foremost, I aspire to create VALUABLE content. By definition, if something is priced at $0, it isn’t valuable. The time, effort and creativity that goes into these episodes is substantial. To keep doing them properly, they can no longer be free.
5/ I also strongly believe content creators should be able to make a living creating content. If everything is free, that’s not possible. I never seriously considered accepting outside sponsors – complete integrity is too critical to me.
6/ By charging for the podcast, I'm converting a hobby into a vocation. Once a customer buys something from you, it raises the stakes on your obligation to consistently create valuable content.

I'm committed to meeting that obligation.
7/ Additionally, when people pay for something, they pay more attention to it. Engagement goes much higher for paid content.

To me, audience quality is far more important than audience size.
8/ Finally, as mentioned earlier, I'm charging the minimum amount possible to achieve all these goals – only $10 a month.

Are you really extracting value from something if you aren’t willing to pay $10 a month for it?
9/ I encourage you to head to https://t.co/fxUfH8maI4 and sign up today! The guest roster I have in store for 2021 is incredible. I appreciate your support!

[P.S. For only $40 a month (Silver Tier), you can get BOTH the podcast AND the newsletter. You know you want to😉]

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