Bitcoin recently hit $34,000 yesterday when as recent as October 10th, it was $11,000

Here’s some unsolicited advice: If you feel you have “bad luck” with investing; i.e. you feel that “if you buy Bitcoin today, the price of Bitcoin will drop”; don’t buy in.

Here’s why I say so

I try to never categorically give financial advice because I’d rather show people how I’d make decisions if I were in their shoes and I like (prefer) people to think for themselves and consciously make decisions they feel is best for them or decisions they can live with and not
just go off what some random person on the internet says BUT I’ll make an exception this time and tell you this, if you think you have bad luck with investing, don’t buy in. Here’s why:

People that feel they have bad luck with investing often have 3 things in common:

1. Fear:
This fear might be informed from bad experiences they’ve had in the past or it might be some irrational fear but they have high fear of losing. If you feel like you have bad luck with investing, anything (good/bad) that happens to your investment is going to feed into that fear.
In fact, you could go as far as looking for anything that would confirm your fear that you’ve made a bad decision. You’ll suddenly start seeing news articles saying that asset will drop, you’ll watch the charts and any small drop in price would confirm that fear.

2. Because of
their fear, they’re impatient: Patience is one of the most important attributes to have as an investor. Patience will keep you invested in something even when the asset is having a bad time. When you are afraid that something will go wrong, the moment anything LOOKS like it MIGHT
go wrong, you are quite likely going to run off because that confirms your fear.

3. They make rash decisions: People that feel they have bad luck with investing are often those that make rash decisions with investing. The first decision of buying that asset/investment is the
first rash decision they typically make.

They often don’t do research on the asset to understand how the asset works or what drives the asset. They often invest in things that are “popping” or doing well at a certain time.

They are often among the last people to jump on the
fast moving train of an investment that’s growing fast. They are often among the last adopters because they tell themselves that “I know this asset will drop the moment I buy in”, so they steer clear. But few days/weeks later, the asset keeps rising and maybe they tell themselves
the same thing. Then the asset rises AGAIN, at this point (or after they’ve repeated this dance a few more times), FOMO (fear of missing out) sets in, so they throw their hat in the ring. But the problem is, they got in just at the end of the bull run. So the asset price starts
dropping, which confirms their fear, and drops some more, and because they lack the patience that comes with understanding the asset, they sell at a loss and have their fears “confirmed”.

While Bitcoin’s bull run does not seem to have an end in sight, like all things that go up,
it would come down. It might not crash as low as $4k as it did in March 2020, but it’s price would eventually go down. If you feel like you always have bad luck with investing, you definitely don’t want to jump on a bull run out of FOMO. Be patient, understand the asset. Do this

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1/ Welcome to #DeFi Wednesday.

Let's talk about how interest-bearing cash on a blockchain is going to revolutionise boring corporate treasury management that concerns every company is is a larger business than all crypto trading in the world.

Enter the thread


2/ Blockchain community is often seen as toxic maxis and redditors who shill other their weekly favourite shitcoin in the hope of getting Lambo.

Sometimes we also do things that progress humanity towards the better future and interest-bearing cash is one of those things.

3/ Less chad and more things that actually matter:

My incomplete theory of interest-bearing cash is also available also as a blog post:

It is 15 pages. Pick your slow poison or die fast by continue reading here.

4/ First time in the history we have an ability to create interest-bearing cash-like instruments.

Interest-bearing cash ticks up dollar (euro) balance real-time in your wallet.

Here is a demonstration using @aaveaave aDAI, based on @makerdao DAI, and @TrustWalletApp

5/ Interest-bearing cash is not like your bank's saving account. Your money in a bank is not yours, but bank's. There are some flaws in the current banking system causing a headache for Chief Financial Officers (CFOs)

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प्रथम भाव -
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