[BIG THREAD] BitChute is a video-sharing site growing in size after an exodus of upset conservatives from YouTube. Like similar “anti-censorship” platforms, it also is riddled with a disturbing amount of hateful content and blatant disinformation.

Around the time of the Capitol riot, interest in BitChute skyrocketed. It continued to rise as Donald Trump’s channel had videos removed, was suspended, and then finally banned. Although he has yet to arrive on BitChute himself, his followers have moved on from YouTube.
BitChute founder Ray Vahey has called the platform “pro-free expression”, accusing sites that censor their content as building echo chambers that serve only to exacerbate problems. What he fails to recognize is that his own creation has become one itself.
wo massive trends on BitChute are anti-Covid vaccine and pro-Nazi/anti-Semitic propaganda. Both break the site’s Community Guidelines. Below are examples of easily accessible and highly-viewed videos. Bear in mind the medical advice is harmful and the Nazi content is disturbing.
First, the anti-vax disinformation. “Timmy Learns About COVID Vaccines”. Safety precautions are called “enslavement” and “extortion”. Over 5k views.
“COVID VACCINE INJURIES BEGIN”. Vaccines will supposedly kill thousands.
“The covid vaccine injuries are everywhere”. Calls vaccine a “hope and a dream–not science.” Over 14k views.
“The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine”. Call vaccines “experimental biologicals”. Over 2k views.
On to the anti-Semitic content. First, here is a post suggesting how to celebrate International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
“The Ultimate Red Pill (The Führer’s Greatest Speeches)”. Self-explanatory. 53k views, from an account with almost 5k subscribers.
“The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth”. Calls Jews liars for describing horrific gas chambers. This is just one of 7 videos promoting similar claims. Nearly 44k views.
“ADOLF HITLER VS. THE JEW WORLD”. Paints a heroic Hitler who actually tried to make peace with the Jews. 60k views.
@bitchute if you give a damn about the “harm” your users are in danger of, take down the videos putting people’s lives at risk. If you give a damn about the “decency” you purport to require, take down the videos villainizing Jews and worshipping Nazis. Do something.

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Margatha Natarajar murthi - Uthirakosamangai temple near Ramanathapuram,TN
Unique Natarajar made of emerlad is abt 6 feet tall.
It is always covered with sandal paste.Only on Thriuvadhirai Star in month Margazhi-Nataraja can be worshipped without sandal paste.

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as Emerald has scientific property of its molecules getting disturbed when exposed to light/water/sound.This is an ancient Shiva temple considered to be 3000 years old -believed to be where Bhagwan Shiva gave Veda gyaana to Parvati Devi.This temple has some stunning sculptures.