Oh fuck. I am listening to Gormley's interview w/ Patrick Moore about climate change from Jan 21. Gorm is being fed a pile of horseshit and just happily swallowing every word. This is garbage. /1

Moore says you can't go out in the field & see what CO2 is doing. Which is just false. You can go in the field & measure atmospheric CO2 & its change directly. And he calls himself a sciencey guy? /2
Then he's saying, b/c some on the left believe GMOs are bad w/ no evidence, therefore everything they believe they believe w/ no evidence so therefore scientists who say the climate is changing are making up stories? This is ridiculous. /3
Often when I tune into climate deniers, there's stuff I hadn't heard before that I have to do a bunch of reading to find out what's real & what isn't. So far with Moore, I don't even have to make a list of stuff to check to know this is all nonsense. /4
I'm saying, he's going over old, long debunked talking points. This is tired & boring. /5
B/c you can't use an electron microscope to see the bad thing in a GMO therefore climate change isn't really happening??? This is what I'm listening to right now. /6
This is the braniac the city picked to give the keynote address at our renewable conference.

They cancelled his talk. But still… /7
He's saying you can't count polar bears b/c they're too remote. Therefore climate change isn't real? /8
Why am I listening to this? B/c in the same half hour that Gormley devotes to the idiot ravings of Moore, he also talks to Mayor Masters about the sponsorship policy. /9
Okay… I've skipped the bulk of Gormley's talk w/ Moore b/c it's crap. A waste of time. Do not listen to it. There is nothing of value in there. Not even in a "know how your adversary thinks" sort of way. It's a retread of old garbage. /10
Now on to the interview w/ Sandra Masters. /11
Oh god, Gormley is devoting a lot of time to denigrating Mancinelli's facebook post on the issue, calling it incomprehensible. I submit he finds it that way b/c he didn't actually read it. /12
I did read Mancinelli's post. It's very thoughtful. It's definitely not written in the argot of an old radio crank. But Mancinelli put a lot time and consideration into his position. /13
In short, Mancinelli voted for the amendment b/c it's important and discussion of it should continue at council. Gormley can't fathom why anyone would do this b/c he doesn't understand how city hall works &, underneath it all, he's a fascist. /14
Preamble done. Now the Masters interview. /15
Masters calls the fossil fuel exclusion a "walk on motion" something she told council in December she is not a fan of. In council. She did say "walk on motions" should be kept to committee. Which is what that was. /16
(FTR, she later calls this a "walk on motion in the absence of information" which is a better way to look at this. The fossil fuel exclusion passed as though it was a minor tweak to a policy when it was really a big shift. Could've benefited from a referral back to admin.) /17
(Like a, "What would happen if we were to include language that excluded fossil fuel interests from advertising or sponsorships w/ the city?" The report back might've flagged what a powder keg this would turn out to be. ) /18
Masters on walk-on motions: What happens is people forget they're elected to govern all of the people & they're there to support their fellow councillors. I think that's perhaps what happened here. /19 #yqrcc
Masters: Green energy is a priority of council and the city. But they may have got caught up in the notion that we could send a message but didn't see the ramifications. /20 #yqrcc
Masters: This walk-on motion put us in the position where we've insulted the biggest economic driver in the province, damaged relations w/ corporate citizens [who contribute much to the city]. /21 #yqrcc
Masters: I'm trying to build a relationship with the province so we can achieve our priorities. Fact is we employ thousands of people in the oil and gas sector. #yqrcc /22
Masters: Regina could be a leader in green energy but instead we're vilifying the industries that butter our bread. #yqrcc / 23
Gormley is again denigrating Mancinelli's facebook post. That's three times now. /24 #yqrcc
Masters: This early in our term, this is a good lesson to learn about good governance. This is a cautionary tale. #yqrcc /25
Masters: Always pausing to reflect on what we're doing and who we're serving. Nothing wrong w/ tabling a motion like that to come back & revisit once you've had a chance to bounce it off. The goal would be to be wise, not flippant or shortsighted. #yqrcc /26
Gormley: You're the optimistic one. The Gang Of Five are who they are.

So… Gormley has branded Stevens, Mohl, Zachidniak, Stadnichuk & LeBlanc the Gang Of Five. They're, according to Gorms, radical leftist NDP councillors. #yqrcc /27
Gormley: The cautionary tale is take the time to do it right and remember why you're there.
Masters: Yes, thank you. You succinctly summed that up for me. #yqrcc /28
Gormley notes that members can change their vote between Executive Committee & council.

FTR, not only can they, I've seen them do it often. Usually it's b/c they make a recommendation based on a policy or agenda & face pushback or new info. Just like happened here. #yqrcc /29
Masters: The public is welcome to participate in the council meeting next Wednesday. #yqrcc /30
Gormley now performs a little imagined pantomime of how the Exec Comm meeting went, starring LeBlanc & Mancinelli.

I was there, this is not how it played out. /31 #yqrcc
Gormley is fronting like he's some governance expert. Dude, you're a talk radio host. /32 #yqrcc
Okay… that was my John Gormley live tweet. Have not listened to this show in a long time. It's about what I remember. /33 #yqrcc
The next half hour of Gormley is Brian Lilley and Scott Rubin? Wow. Them's some brain giants you got on your show, John. /35 #yqrcc
The Gang of Five is "the left wing caucus" of council. Hawkins & Mancinelli are "unaligned". I think Gorms is singling Mancinelli out for ridicule b/c he's runs a car repair shop & so Gormley sees this as a betrayal. #yqrcc /36
He says on Hawkins, "Gosh, you never know what he's going to do" like it's a bad thing. Gee, I thought you liked independent thinkers, Gorm? /37 #yqrcc
The next half hour of Gormley is Brian Lilley and Scott Rubin? Wow. Them's some brain giants you got on your show, John. /38 #yqrcc
Omygod, I am skimming through the half hour before Masters' interview & Gormley is just tearing into Mancinelli. "Jason Mancinelli, you have lost your way." /39 #yqrcc
He has lots of nasty things to say about the Gang Of Five — though rarely by name — but Mancinelli comes up like four or five more times here. Gorms just can't comprehend that someone who runs a car repair shop might have thoughts that diverge from his. /40 #yqrcc
Oy, Terina Shaw is on the show! The only new councillor who didn't vote with the Gang Of Five. /41 #yqrcc
Shaw says she won her riding on her own basis. She didn't have a union behind her. She beat an incumbent. "I won based on door-to-door talking to people." /42 #yqrcc
Shaw: This is not about me, this is about Ward 7 and our community. My ward and I do not back up [the amendment], this is an absolute slap in the face. #yqrcc /43
Shaw: "It's all fine & dandy. Leadership is lead by example. If you want to go green & you are all that then you jump on your bike and you bike to work and you turn off the heat in your house. Until you're ready to do that, you are not a leader." /44 #yqrcc
Shaw: "Shame on you. This is hypocrisy. I am so angry about this, John." /45 #yqrcc
FTR, those last two tweets, numbers 44 & 45 were word-for-word transcriptions. /46 #yqrcc
Now Gorms is asking Shaw about Mancinelli (business owner & journeyman technician) and Hawkins & why they voted the way they did.
Shaw: I can't speak on behalf of them. But that was the first thing thab popped into my mind. #yqrcc /47
Holy shit. I can't believe what I'm listening to. /48 #yqrcc
Shaw on Mancinelli & Hawkins: "I can't speak on behalf of them. That was the first thing that popped into my mind. Myself & my husband had an automotive shop & we made our money & our children were in sports & we paid our mortgage on the backs of people that drove vehicles…" /49
Shaw: "…that drove vehicles & use fossil fuels. So for this, for Jason, I really had to question that. I don't understand that. You're making your mortgage payments from people who drive vehicles." /50 #yqrcc
Shaw: "I don't want to throw our councillors under the bus but I just question it & I would really like a response from Jason as to why he voted that way. I don't know. I honestly don't know." /51 #yqrcc
"I don't want to throw our councillors under the bus…" #yqrcc /52
Gormley: "Holy cow. Lines are jammed. Texts galore. I cannot think of a resolution that makes less sense than this. Did you all bump your heads that morning? Good grief." /53 #yqrcc
I am irritated w/ myself that I repeated tweet 35 as tweet 38. But it's worth calling out Lilley & Rubin two times. /end
@threadreaderapp unroll

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The Earth is greening, thanks to elevated CO2 -- especially in arid

@ianrowley677 @chimera414 @BrknMan @ancistroneura @sueytonius @swcrisis @eloarefab @BailFund_Brawl @IngersolRobert @OscarsWild1 @RuleByLogic @KCTaz @Kenneth72712993 @alshalloway @ClimatePatriot @joetheatheistp @insane_voice @TheDisproof @Ceist8 @BradPKeyes @Fauntleroy1934 @DawnTJ90 @Jamz129 @JsharkJill @Tangomitteckel @joedieseldodge @BadgersNo @fknsavages27 @SimonPearson961 @JoeTheAtheist @CMorrisonEsq @maya_phd @CymaticWave @Schtickery @ClimateDepot @stevenmosher @Willard1951 @Tokyo_Tom @jc_Craze @DanCady @PolAnimalAus @ZombiePiano @SimonMaxfield8 @CrangusShish @Gladfly1 @AtomsksSanakan @leonardjcohen @FrankWi74044551 @NatGeo [2/14] NASA measures it, from

@ianrowley677 @chimera414 @BrknMan @ancistroneura @sueytonius @swcrisis @eloarefab @BailFund_Brawl @IngersolRobert @OscarsWild1 @RuleByLogic @KCTaz @Kenneth72712993 @alshalloway @ClimatePatriot @joetheatheistp @insane_voice @TheDisproof @Ceist8 @BradPKeyes @Fauntleroy1934 @DawnTJ90 @Jamz129 @JsharkJill @Tangomitteckel @joedieseldodge @BadgersNo @fknsavages27 @SimonPearson961 @JoeTheAtheist @CMorrisonEsq @maya_phd @CymaticWave @Schtickery @ClimateDepot @stevenmosher @Willard1951 @Tokyo_Tom @jc_Craze @DanCady @PolAnimalAus @ZombiePiano @SimonMaxfield8 @CrangusShish @Gladfly1 @AtomsksSanakan @leonardjcohen @FrankWi74044551 [3/14] @NatGeo used to be better. In 2009 they reported, "Vast swaths of North Africa are getting noticeably lusher due to warming temperatures, new satellite images show, suggesting a possible boon for people living in the driest part of the

@ianrowley677 @chimera414 @BrknMan @ancistroneura @sueytonius @swcrisis @eloarefab @BailFund_Brawl @IngersolRobert @OscarsWild1 @RuleByLogic @KCTaz @Kenneth72712993 @alshalloway @ClimatePatriot @joetheatheistp @insane_voice @TheDisproof @Ceist8 @BradPKeyes @Fauntleroy1934 @DawnTJ90 @Jamz129 @JsharkJill @Tangomitteckel @joedieseldodge @BadgersNo @fknsavages27 @SimonPearson961 @JoeTheAtheist @CMorrisonEsq @maya_phd @CymaticWave @Schtickery @ClimateDepot @stevenmosher @Willard1951 @Tokyo_Tom @jc_Craze @DanCady @PolAnimalAus @ZombiePiano @SimonMaxfield8 @CrangusShish @Gladfly1 @AtomsksSanakan @leonardjcohen @FrankWi74044551 [4/14] @NewScientist reported the "remarkable environmental turnaround," including a “quite spectacular regeneration of vegetation,” and "a 70 per cent increase in yields of local cereals such as sorghum and millet in one province in recent

@ianrowley677 @chimera414 @BrknMan @ancistroneura @sueytonius @swcrisis @eloarefab @BailFund_Brawl @IngersolRobert @OscarsWild1 @RuleByLogic @KCTaz @Kenneth72712993 @alshalloway @ClimatePatriot @joetheatheistp @insane_voice @TheDisproof @Ceist8 @BradPKeyes @Fauntleroy1934 @DawnTJ90 @Jamz129 @JsharkJill @Tangomitteckel @joedieseldodge @BadgersNo @fknsavages27 @SimonPearson961 @JoeTheAtheist @CMorrisonEsq @maya_phd @CymaticWave @Schtickery @ClimateDepot @stevenmosher @Willard1951 @Tokyo_Tom @jc_Craze @DanCady @PolAnimalAus @ZombiePiano @SimonMaxfield8 @CrangusShish @Gladfly1 @AtomsksSanakan @leonardjcohen @FrankWi74044551 @newscientist [5/14] Note that sorghum & millet are C4 plants. It was once thought that, unlike C3 plants, C4 plants would benefit little from rising CO2 levels. But C4 crops are favored for their drought-hardiness, &eCO2 is especially beneficial under dry

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The entire discussion around Facebook’s disclosures of what happened in 2016 is very frustrating. No exec stopped any investigations, but there were a lot of heated discussions about what to publish and when.

In the spring and summer of 2016, as reported by the Times, activity we traced to GRU was reported to the FBI. This was the standard model of interaction companies used for nation-state attacks against likely US targeted.

In the Spring of 2017, after a deep dive into the Fake News phenomena, the security team wanted to publish an update that covered what we had learned. At this point, we didn’t have any advertising content or the big IRA cluster, but we did know about the GRU model.

This report when through dozens of edits as different equities were represented. I did not have any meetings with Sheryl on the paper, but I can’t speak to whether she was in the loop with my higher-ups.

In the end, the difficult question of attribution was settled by us pointing to the DNI report instead of saying Russia or GRU directly. In my pre-briefs with members of Congress, I made it clear that we believed this action was GRU.