" Zen and the Art of Happiness "

It's a simple book but it makes you think .

Few of my takeaways ( with random 2 min doodles).
What is Zen ?

#Zen is a Japanese word that is derived from the Sanskrit word Dhyana meaning "Meditation" .

Zen is a journey of exploration & a way of living that , in and of itself doesn't belong to any one religion or tradition as such.

Zen doesn't teach. It merely
points, enabling us to wake up & become aware.

Ever noticed how zen stories rarely have predefined morals? 🤓

The zen of doing anything is doing it with a concentration of mind , a calmness & simplicity of mind, that brings the experience of enlightenment and, through that experience , happiness.

It could be something as mundane as sweeping or peeling potatoes !


We are the authors of every NEXT moment.

Therefore the best way for us to get that new experience is to CHANGE our response to what happens.

By natural cause & effect , that NEW RESPONSE will create NEW RESULTS , thereby a NEW REALITY.

Try it to believe it !

Unknown to most of us , we all have a life philosophy . A perspective of looking at things , at events & circumstances that befall us.

Our personal #Philosophy determines how we respond to events that occur in our life .
This ultimately is responsible for our happiness.
After all , an event is ultimately just an event 🤷

We are the one's who label it as " good " or " bad " .
The determination is made by us .
Thereby ultimately we choose to be happy / unhappy...

Simple , but not easy ! 😄
Everything comes at the appointed time .

Not sooner . Not later .
No point in wasting time by wishful thinking.

The Universe doesn't make mistakes.

Let's just be fully aware of ourselves for now.

That shall be enough to achieve our potential.
But what about Happiness ?
Surely it can't be a habit !? 🤔

Surprisingly , it can be cultivated!

Happiness ultimately is a state of mind . We attach importance to an event & thereby base our happiness off it .
Once we learn to Let Go of this attachment , we are happy !
We must learn to be happy for no reason like a child.
Thinking gloomy thoughts , creates the need for more such thoughts and one gets trapped into a vicious cycle.

Basically the more we engage in any type of emotion / behaviour , the greater our desire for it becomes.

" Your worst enemy cannot harm you,
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.

But once mastered,
No one can help you as much. "

- The Dhammapada.

Remind this to yourself every single day. Take a print if needed & pin it up.
Moving onto Association.

The environment you're in matters .
The people you're associated with , matter.
Either they provide Hope , help Heal.
Or they Wear you down completely.

Whom you allow into the circle of your life decides the quality of your life .
Choose wisely!
My fav part !

Harmony with Nature is oneness with self for it helps us delve deeper in our own nature.

We are inseparable from the Universe & it from us.
And universal laws , unlike man made ones can't be broken.

Nature doesn't hurry. Yet everything gets accomplished.

Everything that happens to us ,happens for a reason .

Now until we learn from it , things shall keep repeating .

Sounds weird at first , but then when given some thought , it makes total sense .

To change the outcome , change the process .
Noteworthy :
A situation only becomes favourable when one adapts to it.

Change is the only constant .
Embrace it or be bogged down by it .

How resistant are we to change?
And why this resistance ?

Doesn't a creeper grow horizontally instead of horizontally to thrive?
My fav.

Less is More. Embrace Simplicity & Contentment shall be your friend.

Strangely we do the opposite ! 🤷

We seek temporary solace in material gratification .
Aren't we fools running about trying to fill this void with objects instead of emotions & memories?
Something profound.

How you conduct yourself along the path , that is your life determines how your life unfolds.

Stay in the centre. Be neutral .
Go with the flow . But ensure you return to the centre . That way we can ensure we enjoy all emotions through & through .
On Stress .

We can't totally eliminate it but we can deal with it tactfully .

Possible ?🤔

Give a problem it's mindful attention. Not more . Not less.

When it's so simple , why do we over complicate it ?

That's where we need to learn to use our mind like a tool.
On Obstacles .

The obstacle is the way.
Let's learn to rise up to the occasion. Tackle obstacles with a growth mindset . Let's learn to become better not bitter.

Who doesn't have problems ?

But then how many of us are happy even then ?

Therein lies our answer.
19/ 21
We often oscillate between the past & the future, forgetting to live in the present. 🥴

Enjoy the present.

For the past no longer is ...
The future' is yet to come ...

The only thing we have is the current moment.

Pain, Inevitable .
Suffering ,Optional .

The sooner we understand this , the lighter our baggage shall be.

We are but mere travellers on a beautiful journey called life .
Why choose to trudge along wearily when one can walk leisurely ?

Let go of that baggage !🤸

To sum it up.

#Happiness is a state of mind.
🙂 & Let go of emotions that weigh you down .
Work on your personal philosophy of life.
Enjoy the little things !
SEE & THINK for yourself !

Happiness is a choice. Choose it !


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