Mohammad Ghori, the young Ghurid Prince conquered Ghaznavids in Afghanistan in the year 1173 CE. He conducted some successful raids into the Indian territory, which even Mahmud Ghazni & the Persians couldn't do.

First&foremost,Ghori invaded states of Multan &Uch in India.After this he turned to southern states of Gujarat &Rajputana.Everybody knows this about Ghori,but what most pple r unaware of is the defeat he suffered at hands of Chalukyan Queen Naiki Devi in 1178 Battle of Kasahrada.
When he marched southwards, his first target was the prosperous fortified town of Anhilwara Patan.
It was the capital of Chalukyas(also known as Solankis of Gujarat) which was established by Vanraj of Chapotkata Dynasty in 8th century.
American historian Tertius Chandler states that it was the 10th largest city in the world at that time. The history of Chalukyas has been written by many historians, but the valour of the Great Queen Naiki Devi remains unsung.
Born to the Kadamba King Paramardin of Goa,Naiki Devi was well trained in sword fighting, horse riding, strategy & every other subject of Statesmanship. She was married to King Ajaypala of Gujarat who sat on throne in 1171CE. Unfortunately,the King died within 4 yrs of his rule.
His elder Son Mularaja II became his successor but it was Rani Naiki Devi who ruled on his behalf as the Queen Regent as he was still a minor. It was during this time only that Ghori invaded Multan, established Ghurid Empire in Afghanistan and was eyeing Anhilwara Patan.
Motivated by the Mahmud Ghazni raid stories and all the wealth that India had to offer, Ghori decided to invade India.He was confident or I must say over-confident to assume that he will capture Anhilwara as there is no King and what resistance an army lead by woman will provide.
He was having these golden dreams in his cruel greedy eyes which were soon to be shattered.
Undaunted by Ghori's possible attack, Naiki Devi took command of the Chalukyan force and strategically organized a well planned counter-attack.
She sent ambassadors to nearby provinces in order to built strategically crucial alliance against the invading enemy. While most of the major Kingdoms didn't respond, she got help from Chalukyan friends like Nadulla Chahman Clan, Jalor Chahman Clan and Arbud Parmar Clan.
Chalukyan Kingdom then consisted of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Realising that the Chalukyan Army is outnumbered, Rani Naiki Devi chose the rugged terrain of Gadaraghatta-near the foot of Mt Abu near village Kasahrada as the site of battle. This was unfamiliar ground for Ghori's Army.
This was the masterstroke by Rani as it gave a huge advantage to her army over the enemy forces.When Ghori arrived Kasahrada, the fiercesome Queen rode into the battle with her son tied on her lap leading a deadly counter-offensive. Ghori's army was full of experienced soldiers.
They were xcellent archers and had bulls like stamina. On top of it, they were motivated by religious zest and enthusiasm. Alike all other Islamic invaders, they were obsessed with killing Kafirs and convert whole non-muslim lands to Islamic ruled.
It's believed that before the battle Ghori sent a messenger to the court of Rani Naiki Devi with a condition that he will not attack if the Queen surrenders to him. Hearing it, Rani approached Ghori camp with her son tied to her lap.
Just when he was thinking that Rani accepted his offer,the army of fierce Rajputs &its war elephants crushed the invading Ghurids who had once beaten the mighty sultans of Multan in Battle. The combined force of the Rajputs under the Queen Naiki Devi wreaked havoc on the Ghurids.
Rani &her forces tore apart the morale of Ghori's experienced army.Strong willed Rani with her unmatchable combat skills,cut down every single Islamic invader dat came in her path.Most astonishing of the fact is dat while all this action was going on,her son was tied to her body.
This Battle turned out to be a major disaster to Mohammad Ghori. Facing a crushing defeat, he fled with a handful of bodyguards and somehow saved himself. His pride was crumbled and he never tried to invade Gujarat again.
As far as the Battle of Kasahrada is concerned, had the fierce warrior Queen of the Chalukyas not taken charge, the Indian history would've been very different.
Battle of Kasahrada was such a turning point in the Chalukyan and Indian History, but the woman who was responsible to create this history doesn't find a mention in the History Textbooks.

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