Men, do this for 6 months and you'll be unrecognizable....

• Lift weights. Lifting weights will strengthen your body and mind.

• Read 20 pages a day. Your brain is a muscle and needs to be strengthened.
• Daily nature walks. Nature has unlimited benefits for your mental health.

• Daily meditation. This will improve your mood and self-confidence.
• Eat healthy. Red meats, fruits, leafy greens will help you thrive.

• Don't watch porn. Porn destroys your mind and soul.
• Don't let anyone disrespect you. Be confident.

• Be selfish with your time. Alot of people don't deserve it.
• Track your progress. This will keep you motivated.

• Be a good person. This world is already full of bad people.
• Be strong. Protect your loved one's and make them feel safe.

• Smile often. It will improve your mood and the mood of other's around you.
• No drugs or alcohol. They poision your body and destroy your mind.

• Be consistent. It takes time to see big improvement, but it's worth it.
• Master your emotions. A calm mind handles every storm.

• Don't be lazy. Do the work and it will pay off.
• Learn an online skill. It will pay off forever.

• Don't revenge. Just work in silence and shock everyone who doubted you.
• Journal daily. This is a good method to get rid of negative thinking.

• Get enough sleep. 7-8 hours is perfect and will help you recover from each day.
• Create good habits. Habits determine your future.

• Plan your day. Be productive. Time is constantly running out.
Men, if you;

• Struggle with women
• Struggle with discipline
• Want to be a top 1% man
• Have low self-confidence

Get "Iron Clad Discipline".

This is a no BS guide that turns men into beasts!

Click here:
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This account exists to help men:

• Build power
• Build strength
• Build masculinity

Have a good day!

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