This thread is a step-by-step guide on what I have learned trading Short Strangles.

Collaborated with @niki_poojary

Here's what you'll learn in this thread:

1. What is a Strangle
2. Benefits and Drawbacks
3. How to extract more profit through strangles?
4. How to adjust them when in loss?
5. Videos on Positional Strangles
6. Vix Correlation

Let's dive in ↓
1/ What is a Strangle?

Selling OTM CE & OTM PE of the same instrument you are trading.

Look at the picture below for an example of a short strangle in current weekly options.
2/ Why do traders like short strangles?

The highest probability of profit is there in a strangle.

By mastering this technique you can earn a consistent weekly income.

Most of the times we can predict the weekly range.

So sell options outside this range to profit consistently.
3/ Benefits of Short Strangles

Higher probability - More than 80% winning chance

Can turn directional too - If your SL hits on one side can sell on the opposite side and make it directional.

The biggest range of profit you'll get in options of any expiry.
Low SL - Can get out with a small stop loss if you trade based on premiums

Adjustments - Can increase your breakevens by shifting your strangle or by using futures

Jackpot - If you sell high premium options on both sides and it expires in your range, then you make big money
4/ Drawbacks of Strangles -

Gaps - If a big gap happens you are in for a big loss

Spikes - If you sell and if IV spikes, you'll be in loss

Don't know max loss - Unlike hedged strategies, you don't know your maximum losses upfront

Margins - Higher than flies or condors
5/ When to do a Strangle based on Price action?

If the market is trading in a range technically, it is the perfect time to do short strangles.

Also when you think the IV is very high.

Have a look at an example when the market is in a range.
6/ Falling Vix

Short strangles have given the highest returns when VIX is declining.

So whenever the vix is in an increasing mode, please avoid this strategy.
7/ How to extract more profit from strangles?

Lower SL - Don't have to react until your SL hits, can keep lowering the SL to lower your risk.

- Positional traders don't need to react till their level breaks.

- Until the market is stuck in a range nothing has to be done.
Lesser the reactions the more likely you will come out with more profit eventually.

Even a small stop gives you the chance to earn higher.

If you're in good profit, can shift both your options closer to the spot to extract more profit from them.

Exaplined in an example below:

For eg, 40 rs premium is needed in Bank NIfty to extract 1% profit on margin.

You can start with 40-40 rs strangles on both sides.

When these decay you can extract a further 30 points from each side.

So instead of earning 40, you at times earn 70 from both sides.
8/ How to adjust when in loss?

All adjustments depend upon your risk appetite and the view you take of the market.

The same adjustment method won't work every week as all weeks are different.

However, you must know all the ways so you can choose the right one accordingly.
9/ Roll the Untested option

Eg: If the market is going down, you may roll down your calls and roughly sell the same premium the loss giving put is trading at.

If the market reverses, the IV's will fall and the calls may not give you as big a damage as much as the put will fall.
10/ Roll the side in danger

You don't always want to deal with the hassle of converting your otm strangles to near OTM or ATM options.

If you feel your strike is in danger then book loss in the losing side and sell an option further away at a safe strike.
11/ Position Sizing:

Extremely important for high POP strategies.

Whenever you start trading short strangles there are going to be times where the vix will rise or the directional movement will cause you a loss.

So first rule is to keep position sizing very low to begin with.
Whenever there is one delta move in the expiry you're trading in you can adjust the initial strangle you've sold.

Once you've done that you may deploy some more quantity & again sell a High probability strangle.

This way the second batch of quantities you've sold are very safe.
12/ Convert Strangle to Straddle

You can keep booking the untested side of your strangle and bring it closer

Eventually by rolling too much, you will end up with a Short Straddle.

Then you must adjust the straddle in different ways

Click below to know
13/ Strangles with different ratios

Traders usually add to the winning leg and sometimes play with ratios when it comes to their view.

For eg, if you have sold a strangle with a neutral view and your view is turning bullish.

They sell more OTM puts and vice versa for bearish.
14/ Tastytrade is perhaps the best channel to learn Strategies and their adjustments from.

Here is a video of them explaining Short Strangles.

15/ Subhasish Pani from Power of Stocks is pretty good at identifying a range and the correct time to sell strangles.

Check out his excellent video to learn from him.

His method of dealing with Positional Strangles.

11/ Caution: Extremely Risky

Strangles are not all rosy, they can lead to significant losses if some overnight news comes or if it's not managed properly.

Develop some risk management rules & get out at a 0.5% or 1% loss to stay longer in the game.

Get better with practice.
Hope you discovered something new (because that's the point!)

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See past threads here: @AdityaTodmal & @niki_poojary

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2. How he took some aggressive trades.
3. Multiple charts analysis for intraday trading.
4. Trade Setup

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#ஆதித்தியஹ்ருதயம் ஸ்தோத்திரம்
இது சூரிய குலத்தில் உதித்த இராமபிரானுக்கு தமிழ் முனிவர் அகத்தியர் உபதேசித்ததாக வால்மீகி இராமாயணத்தில் வருகிறது. ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதயத்தைத் தினமும் ஓதினால் பெரும் பயன் பெறலாம் என மகான்களும் ஞானிகளும் காலம் காலமாகக் கூறி வருகின்றனர். ராம-ராவண யுத்தத்தை

தேவர்களுடன் சேர்ந்து பார்க்க வந்திருந்த அகத்தியர், அப்போது போரினால் களைத்து, கவலையுடன் காணப்பட்ட ராமபிரானை அணுகி, மனிதர்களிலேயே சிறந்தவனான ராமா போரில் எந்த மந்திரத்தைப் பாராயணம் செய்தால் எல்லா பகைவர்களையும் வெல்ல முடியுமோ அந்த ரகசிய மந்திரத்தை, வேதத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளதை உனக்கு

நான் உபதேசிக்கிறேன், கேள் என்று கூறி உபதேசித்தார். முதல் இரு சுலோகங்கள் சூழ்நிலையை விவரிக்கின்றன. மூன்றாவது சுலோகம் அகத்தியர் இராமபிரானை விளித்துக் கூறுவதாக அமைந்திருக்கிறது. நான்காவது சுலோகம் முதல் முப்பதாம் சுலோகம் வரை ஆதித்ய ஹ்ருதயம் என்னும் நூல். முப்பத்தி ஒன்றாம் சுலோகம்

இந்தத் துதியால் மகிழ்ந்த சூரியன் இராமனை வாழ்த்துவதைக் கூறுவதாக அமைந்திருக்கிறது.
ஐந்தாவது ஸ்லோகம்:
ஸர்வ மங்கள் மாங்கல்யம் ஸர்வ பாப ப்ரநாசனம்
சிந்தா சோக ப்ரசமனம் ஆயுர் வர்த்தனம் உத்தமம்
பொருள்: இந்த அதித்ய ஹ்ருதயம் என்ற துதி மங்களங்களில் சிறந்தது, பாவங்களையும் கவலைகளையும்

குழப்பங்களையும் நீக்குவது, வாழ்நாளை நீட்டிப்பது, மிகவும் சிறந்தது. இதயத்தில் வசிக்கும் பகவானுடைய அனுக்ரகத்தை அளிப்பதாகும்.
முழு ஸ்லோக லிங்க் பொருளுடன் இங்கே உள்ளது
சூரியன் உலக இயக்கத்திற்கு மிக முக்கியமானவர். சூரிய சக்தியால்தான் ஜீவராசிகள், பயிர்கள்

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