Today we remember Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey (Param Vir Chakra) on his ‘Punyatithi’

Who made his supreme sacrifice on the 3rd July 1999, during the Kargil war

“Why do you want to join the Army?”- Asked the SSB Interviewer.

“I want to win the Param Vir Chakra!”


- he Replied

Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey was born on 25 June 1975, in Rudha village, Sitapur District (U.P)
He was an officer in the elite Gorkha Regiment of the Indian Army.
At a time when everyone starts preparing for their career, young officers like Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey chose to do their bit for the motherland.

Manoj, an alumni of the 90th course of the NDA, was
commissioned into the 1/11 Gorkha Rifles in June 1997. In Operation Vijay, Capt. Manoj (then lieutenant) was the platoon commander during the advance to Khalubar in the Batalik sector.

After commissioning, his first assignment was in the Kashmir valley and thereafter he was
posted to Siachen. Whilst in Siachen he received orders to move to Batalik sector, where the first intrusions by the Pakistani forces were detected and the Army was preparing for a well-coordinated retaliatory action.
Year 1999: A routine check on his flock led a shepherd in Drass sector to discover unusual phenomena. Unidentified people were occupying positions in the Indian sector surrounding the National Highway 1D. He knew that Indian soldiers didn’t return to their posts until early June
the shepherd found it unusual and reported it to the nearest army picket.

Little did anyone know that the shepherd had just spotted the tip of iceberg. Scores of Pakistani commandos and terrorists, disguised as Pathan tribesmen, had taken advantage of the freezing cold, and had
occupied the posts way ahead in Feb 1999.
The objective was to occupy the positions around National Highway 1D that connected Leh Ladakh to d rest of India.

Once cut off, the Pakistanis could then force their Indian counterparts to negotiate the Kashmir issue on a better note.
Their actions, followed by the brutal murder of a patrol of Indian soldiers, led by Captain Saurabh Kalia, triggered a full scale war, famous as ‘Operation Vijay’ that took place in the Drass – Kargil sector of the Leh Ladakh region.
In such a tense situation, 1/11 Gorkha Rifles, under the command of the then Colonel Lalit Rai was one of the first regiments to reach ground zero.

Soon enough, they were tasked with bringing back the bodies of the dead soldiers, who were murdered in early attempts to
flush out the intruders.

Soon enough, the battalion was ordered to remove the intruders from the Kukardhang posts, a task which Manoj Pandey and his men did successfully.

The act which finally introduced us with the heroic warrior, Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey
came with the objective of capturing ‘Khalubar’s Jubar Top’ in the ‘Batalik sectors’ from the Pakistani invaders.

On 3rd July 1999, battling the freezing cold temperature and screaming winds, Manoj led a daring daylight assault on the Pakistani fortifications,
demolishing most of them with relative ease. Though the Pakistanis had a clear advantage, both by height and ammunition, they forgot to take one thing into account- Raw Courage.

Like warriors for eternity, a large section of Gorkha soldiers unsheathed their lethal khukris
and attacked the enemy with full force, yelling their battle cry ‘Jai Mahakali Ayo Gorkhali!’

Despite being shot in the shoulder, Manoj boldly walked through d hail of bullets and in a fierce hand to hand combat, slashed d throats of the rival soldiers,clearing the first bunker
By the time he entered the third bunker, he was shot again in the legs.
Despite d unbearable pain, Manoj trudged on, killing the soldiers and clearing the way for his men to follow. Inspired by his actions, d men charged ruthlessly upon the enemy, slaughtering them like carrots.
Unfortunately, while clearing the fourth bunker, a fatal MMG burst hit him in the forehead, but not before Manoj had brutally destroyed it with a grenade.

His last words to his battalion were, ‘Na Chhornu’ in Gorkhali’, which meant ‘Don’t Leave Them.’
Manoj, who had just celebrated his birthday with the soldiers a week ago, was now dead.

However, by that time, the enemy was vanquished, and Khalubar was recaptured by the Indian Army under 1/11 Gorkha Rifles.

True to his words, Lieutenant Manoj Kumar Pandey did win the
country’s highest gallantry honour (PVC). Unfortunately, he didn’t say he wanted to wear that alive!

The nation is indebted to this hero, he had penned down once in his diary, ‘Some goals are so worthy, it is glorious even to fail.’

Jai Hind, Jai Hind Ki Sena 🙏🇮🇳

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जानिये क्यूँ की जाती है गोवर्धन पूजा 🙏🏻

“गोवर्धन धराधार गोकुल त्राणकारक।
विष्णुबाहु कृतोच्छ्राय गवां कोटिप्रभो भव।।

देवराज इन्द्र के अभिमान को चूर करने हेतु भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने, जो स्वयं लीलाधारी श्री हरि विष्णु के अवतार हैं ने एक लीला रची।


प्रभु की इस लीला में यह हुआ कि एक दिन प्रभु ने देखा के सभी बृजवासी उत्तम पकवान बना रहे हैं और किसी पूजा की तैयारी में जुटे। श्री कृष्ण ने बड़े भोलेपन से मईया यशोदा से प्रश्न किया " मईया ये आप लोग किनकी पूजा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं" कृष्ण की बातें सुनकर मैया बोली -

“लल्ला हम देवराज इन्द्र की पूजा के लिए अन्नकूट की तैयारी कर रहे हैं।”

मैया के ऐसा कहने पर श्री कृष्ण बोले मैया हम इन्द्र की पूजा क्यों करते हैं ?

मैया ने कहा वह वर्षा करते हैं जिससे अन्न की पैदावार होती है उनसे हमारी गायों को चारा मिलता है।

भगवान श्री कृष्ण बोले हमें तो गोर्वधन पर्वत की पूजा करनी चाहिए क्योंकि हमारी गाये वहीं चरती हैं, इस दृष्टि से गोर्वधन पर्वत ही पूजनीय है और इन्द्र तो कभी दर्शन भी नहीं देते व पूजा न करने पर क्रोधित भी होते हैं अत: ऐसे अहंकारी की पूजा नहीं करनी चाहिए।

लीलाधारी की लीला और माया से सभी ने इन्द्र के बदले गोवर्घन पर्वत की पूजा की।

देवराज इन्द्र ने इसे अपना अपमान समझा और मूसलाधार वर्षा शुरू कर दी। प्रलय के समान वर्षा देखकर सभी बृजवासी भगवान को लगने लगा कि ये सब श्री कृष्ण की बात मानने के फलस्वरूप हुआ

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