The first thing I do is check $ES and $NQ futures to see how the market moved overnight.
Every successful trader has a pre-market routine
Here's a premarket routine coming from a full-time trader:
The first thing I do is check $ES and $NQ futures to see how the market moved overnight.
More from Jordan F┃Stock Trader
I've compiled a master thread of the top 5 threads I've made in 2021🔥
Here's a complete guide to everything you should know about trading
Before I dive in, do me a favor and retweet the tweet above this one.
I want everyone to win in 2022, and a like/RT will help someone out there who really needs it🙏
How to Scan for stocks whose options move over
My EXACT Strategy breakdown in a brief
The Top Tools every trader should
Here's a complete guide to everything you should know about trading
Before I dive in, do me a favor and retweet the tweet above this one.
I want everyone to win in 2022, and a like/RT will help someone out there who really needs it🙏
How to Scan for stocks whose options move over
Ever wonder how traders get in stocks before they explode? \U0001f9d0
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 27, 2021
Or find options that move 1,000% in a single day/week?\U0001f92f
I made a thread going over exactly how I find these stocks BEFORE they take off \U0001f680
My EXACT Strategy breakdown in a brief
I\u2019m a full time day/swing trader for a living.
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 20, 2021
I\u2019ve learned a lot through my time trading.
Here\u2019s a thread going over my exact trading strategy
As well as some helpful tips/tricks.
The Top Tools every trader should
Ever wonder what the best tools for trading are? \U0001f528
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) December 28, 2021
Here are the top tools I use as a full-time trader\U0001f9f5