You can't just buy every demand zone and sell every supply zone, otherwise the price would just wedge the whole time
Eventually one side has to break....
Ever wonder how traders get in stocks before they explode? \U0001f9d0
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 27, 2021
Or find options that move 1,000% in a single day/week?\U0001f92f
I made a thread going over exactly how I find these stocks BEFORE they take off \U0001f680
I\u2019m a full time day/swing trader for a living.
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) October 20, 2021
I\u2019ve learned a lot through my time trading.
Here\u2019s a thread going over my exact trading strategy
As well as some helpful tips/tricks.
Ever wonder what the best tools for trading are? \U0001f528
— FT Trading\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) December 28, 2021
Here are the top tools I use as a full-time trader\U0001f9f5
Trading is about mastering ONE setup
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) September 1, 2022
And I'm giving you the one that turned me into a profitable trader FREE...
Take 2 mins out of your day to learn my EXACT setup:\U0001f9f5
my girlfriend cheated on me with my brother while on vacation
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) September 6, 2022
Here are 5 trading strategies that could make you $100k this year:\U0001f9f5
I've tweeted for over 5 years...
— Jordan F\u2503Stock Trader (@FT__Trading) November 1, 2022
and NEVER shared this strategy once
Take 30 seconds out of your day to learn the strategy that I use as a full-time trader:\U0001f9f5