8⃣ Key Lessons From The Book “Million Dollar Habits“

📚 Book Review (Thread)

1⃣ You are what you think

🔶 Most of what happen in our lives is the result of our
actions and decisions. Whatever we feed our minds, we
inevitably manifest. Therefore, the more we think
positively, the more we do greater things.
2⃣ Habits make you successful

🔶 The only difference between successful people and
unsuccessful people are habits.

🔶 Each one of us has the capacity to be successful;
some just have not yet realized it.
3⃣ Habits are difficult but essential to adopt

🔶 The keys to shedding old habits and developing
new ones are perseverance and patience. It takes time,
but it's always possible if we don't give up.
4⃣ Raising your self-concept motivates you to do

🔶 We are more capable to improve ourselves once we
boost our self-esteem.
5⃣ Importance of Self-discipline

🔶 Self-discipline is necessary to initiate your journey
to success.

🔶 Planning is the first step to self-discipline. Don't be
haphazard in making choices. Things done in an
organized and careful way assures a higher success
6⃣ Make it happen

🔶 Don't wait for things to happen; make it happen.
7⃣ Successful people have healthy relationships with

🔶 Celebrating success by yourself does not yield that
much happiness. Always keep the people you love
close by yourself. Share success and happiness with
8⃣ Develop a healthy lifestyle

🔶 Above all, you must take care of your physical,
mental, and emotional health.
Two Interesting quotes from the book:

🔷 “I believe something wonderful is going to happen
to me today.“

🔷 “Practice one virtue for a period of two weeks, then
three weeks, then one virtue per month.“

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Module 1

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This course is for anyone out there who is confused, frustrated, and just wants this python/finance thing to work!

In Module 1 of this Nano course, we will learn about :

# Using Google Colab
# Importing libraries
# Making a Random Time Series of Black Field Research Stock (fictional)

# Using Google Colab

Intro link is here on YT: https://t.co/MqMSDBaQri

Create a new Notebook at https://t.co/EZt0agsdlV and name it AnythingOfYourChoice.ipynb

You got your notebook ready and now the game is on!
You can add code in these cells and add as many cells as you want

# Importing Libraries

Imports are pretty standard, with a few exceptions.
For the most part, you can import your libraries by running the import.
Type this in the first cell you see. You need not worry about what each of these does, we will understand it later.
1. Project 1742 (EcoHealth/DTRA)
Risks of bat-borne zoonotic diseases in Western Asia

Duration: 24/10/2018-23 /10/2019

Funding: $71,500

2. Bat Virus Database
Access to the database is limited only to those scientists participating in our ‘Bats and Coronaviruses’ project
Our intention is to eventually open up this database to the larger scientific community

3. EcoHealth Alliance & DTRA Asking for Trouble
One Health research project focused on characterizing bat diversity, bat coronavirus diversity and the risk of bat-borne zoonotic disease emergence in the region.

4. Phelps, Olival, Epstein, Karesh - EcoHealth/DTRA

5, Methods and Expected Outcomes
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