NFTs are not a passing fad, they're the economy of the future.

Here are 7 ways they can change YOUR life:

1. Get paid fairly

How: NFTs put power and economic control back into the hands of digital creators

Example: artists, musicians and creators are using NFTs to make $$$$ for their work
What you can do:

If you're an artist, musician or creator, stop giving your work away for pennies.

Upgrade your art/music/content to NFTs and get compensated for the value you create. ✔️

Learn how here👇
2. Fund your business

How: an NFT campaign could be used to raise funds, build excitement and elevate a business quickly

Example: a business could sell NFTs which guarantee buyers a service at a later date and generate an immediate cash infusion
What you can do:

Create an NFT campaign to raise funds and expand your business or design an NFT customer loyalty program ✔️

Learn more here 👇

5 Ways NFTs Can Kickstart Your Small Business |
3. Create a community-based project

How: PFP NFTs are digital identities and grant membership in specific communities

Example: @worldofwomennft, @BoredApeYC and many others have become powerful brands built around community
What you can do:

Want to create a social club, values-based community or transformational business?

Bring it to life and get it funded with an NFT art project. ✔️

Learn how in this article by @cryptoyuna 👇
4. Make gaming worth your time

How: the play-to-earn gaming model allows players a chance to generate revenues by participating in games

Example: Axie Infinity where players can make up to $2000/month from their NFT Axies
What you can do:

If you're a gamer, seek out games that pay players for the value they bring by participating in the game. ✔️

Here are some options:

Axie Infinity
Plant VS Undead
Gods Unchained
The Sandbox
5. Safeguard your valuable assets

How: A digital twin NFT is a digital copy and record of ownership of physical assets that helps eliminate counterfeiting

Example: LVMH, Prada, and Cartier partner with Aura to tokenize ownership over luxury goods.
What you can do:

Utilize new authentication platforms like Aura and Nike's Cryptokicks as they become available. ✔️
6. Protect your medical data

How: medical data is converted into an NFT allowing a patient to own and monetize their own data

Example: Aimedis is a hospital chain in the metaverse, where patients control their data through NFTs.
What you can do:

Checkout platforms like Aimedis and learn how you can protect your own medical data. ✔️
7. Monetize your unique genius

Most people have genius that they never express.

Web3 and NFTs are here to change that.
What you can do:

Stop stopping yourself. ✔️

Start following your creative impulses. ✔️

Dive into web3 and NFTs, bring your ideas to life and make the world better. ✔️
7 ways to use NFTs to change your life
1. Get paid fairly
2. Make gaming worth the time
3. Create community driven business/project
4. Fund business or create marketing campaign
5. Safeguard valuable assets
6. Protect medical data
7. Monetize your unique genius
Learn more about NFTs with these 7 power resources:

1. The @a16z podcast with @ljxie @smc90 @jessewldn

All about NFTs:

What they are

What forms they take

Common myths and misconceptions

How they work
2. Seven types of NFTs by @cdixon

We can now genuinely own digital objects, and the 7 kinds of NFTs.
3. Learn why you only need 100 true fans to be successful as an artist, musician or creator.

1000 True Fans? Try 100 by @ljin18
4. NFTs make the internet ownable

NFTs have the potential to offer creators and their audiences a viable alternative to platform-driven monetization.
5. NFTs have disrupted the digital world and industries from art to gaming to investing.
6. How NFTs are building the internet of the future | TED
by @saturnial

How NFTs represent a certificate of ownership on the internet and are changing the game for artists
7. The NFT Handbook by Matt Fortnow

How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens

Learn exactly what NFTs are, how they evolved, and why they have value. Plus, how to create, sell and buy them.
That's it, folks. I hope this was useful.

If you enjoyed it, please share by retweeting the first tweet.

I write about web3, the future and living your best life. You can follow me @MishadaVinci.
Want to learn more about NFTs and be a leader in this new economy?

I am leading a course at @MavenHQ for artists, creatives and entrepreneurs looking to get started with NFTs and web3.

Check it out here 👇

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

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Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

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