I have a $100,000 business degree.

But I've learned 10x more by reading books.

10 business books that will change your life:

Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher

• You can negotiate anything you want.
• The best negotiation tactic is to first offer the other side something they want.
Drive by Daniel Pink

• Money alone isn't enough to motivate us.
• We are most motivated when we can also achieve control and freedom.
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

• The most effective way to get rich is to learn how to build and sell a product.
• The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life.
Atomic Habits by James Clear

• Habits compound to produce huge results.
• The best way to build habits is to make them easy, attractive and rewarding.
Grit by Angela Duckworth

• Talent is overrated
• Grit ― the ability to persevere and overcome failure is the key to success.
High Output Management by Andy Grove

• The best managers increase the productivity of their team.
• They achieve this through effective training and motivation.
Influence by Cialdini

• Persuasion is a skill anyone can learn.
• The 7 key tactics of persuasion: liking, social proof, commitment, scarcity, authority, reciprocation and consistency.
Zero to One by Peter Thiel

• The best businesses focus on building something new instead of competing.
• These businesses are built on secrets very few people at the time understand.
Smartcuts by Shane Snow

• Momentum is the best predictor of career success.
• The highest achievers focus on doing a small number of things extremely well.
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

• We become more successful when we are happier, not the other way around.
• Happiness comes from the realization that we have the potential to change ourselves.
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I write about career growth, marketing, and psychology. I share my insights along the way.

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