India spent $14 Trillion on infrastructure in the 75 years since its independence.
$7 trillion was in the last 9 years.
Another $7 Trillion will be spent in the next 9 years!
Big Big Spending is coming in!
As part of financial planning
— JST Investments (@JstInvestments) December 24, 2020
A thread on health insurance
What is health insurance?
Health insurance is a insurance that covers medical expenses that arise due to an illness. These expenses could be related to hospitalisation costs, cost of medicines etc.
Term Plan or a ULIP or a endowment plan?\U0001f914
— JST Investments (@JstInvestments) April 5, 2021
Life Insurance simplified:
Do 're-tweet' & help us educate more investors
A Thread \U0001f9f5\U0001f447
The famous \u201cLucy\u201d, an early ancestor of modern humans (Australopithecus) that lived 3.2 million years ago, and was discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia, displayed in the national museum in Addis Ababa \U0001f1ea\U0001f1f9
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) November 9, 2018
As someone\u2019s who\u2019s read the book, this review strikes me as tremendously unfair. It mostly faults Adler for not writing the book the reviewer wishes he had!
— Teresa M. Bejan (@tmbejan) January 12, 2021