Full #volume anlaysis thread 🧵

One thing which big player can never hide - VOLUME

Volume price interpretation -
price increases + volume increases = bull 🐂

Price decreases + volume increases = bear 🐻

Price increases + volume decreases = fake upmove) sideways

Price decreases + volume decreases =fake downmove) sideways
1⃣Always big breakout start with big VOLUME.

The higher the volume +higher the range = higher will be the move.
2⃣ IN the time of consolidation volumes are lower then upmove &.
3️⃣ always trend changing move start with big volume action.
4⃣strong hand cover their postion at highest price & at that time volume is more then 1/2 months .
5⃣ IF during breakout volume is highest then ever then chances of it's multibagger is much more.
6⃣IF during breakout price formed baby candle then chances of it's further move is much more.
7⃣ IN lower timeframe all rules applies in same ways.

U can watch price & volume action U will learn & earn aolt ⭐✨
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I really love ❤ every tweet of @markminervini sir

But out them 5 are incredible 👍

Which are also summary of his book.

Here are that five 5⃣ tweets 👇





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