1) Looks like Trump KNEW what the coup plotters were plotting on the 6th, so he arrived an hour late to the stage, and talked longer than he intended, before he asked MAGA to walk peacefully down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.
He also didn't walk WITH them as he promised.
More from Politics
You can't magic away the vast distances involved. Clue: we fly in only 1/192th of our trade compared to the amount that arrives via sea
In 2016, the UK transported 484,000,000 tons of freight by sea, but just 2,511,000 tons by air (192x less than by sea). Therefore absurd to think of simply substituting air freight for sea freight (e.g. if we have to fly in food or medicines because of post-Brexit jams at ports)
— Edwin Hayward (@uk_domain_names) October 28, 2018
But even if you invented a teleporter tomorrow, WTO terms are so bad, so stacked against us, that a no-deal Brexit will be a total economic disaster
Here's the truth about Brexit, the "punishment" some people claim the EU wants to inflict on us, the full horrific consequences of no deal, and the dangers lurking behind any deal we reach. Buckle in, it's pretty long. Better to be thorough than to leave anything out. 1/47
— Edwin Hayward (@uk_domain_names) October 14, 2018
And while the Brexiteers fantasise, real jobs are being lost, investments are drying up, companies are moving assets to the EU27 or redomiciling. All already happened and happening right now, not in some mythical
Ok, it's high time to look at the REAL effects of Brexit. As the Tories implode & Labour sits on its hands, companies are executing contingency plans, shifting jobs & assets, slashing investments, or redomiciling (accounting exercise). Happening NOW, not in a fantasy future. 1/95
— Edwin Hayward (@uk_domain_names) November 14, 2018
Of course, there are many, many myths that Brexiteers perpetuate that are total fiction. You've seen a couple of them already. The thread below busts a whole lot
Unicorn Shredder: Hard Brexit Truths
— Edwin Hayward (@uk_domain_names) November 15, 2018
- The major economic harm Brexit is already inflicting on the UK
- Reality of "no deal" & WTO terms
- EU "punishment" narrative
- Endangered industries: automotive & haulage
+ much, much more...
(Each tweet is a self-contained thread.)
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பொருள்: இந்த அதித்ய ஹ்ருதயம் என்ற துதி மங்களங்களில் சிறந்தது, பாவங்களையும் கவலைகளையும்
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சூரியன் உலக இயக்கத்திற்கு மிக முக்கியமானவர். சூரிய சக்தியால்தான் ஜீவராசிகள், பயிர்கள்
These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:
1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191
4. @DillikiBiili
Share for the benefit of everyone.
Here are the setups from @Pathik_Trader Sir first.
1. Open Drive (Intraday Setup explained)
— Pathik (@Pathik_Trader) April 16, 2019
Sharing one high probability trending setup for intraday.
Few conditions needs to be met
1. Opening should be above/below previous day high/low for buy/sell setup.
2. Open=low (for buy)
Open=high (for sell)
Bactesting results of Open Drive
Already explained strategy of #opendrive
— Pathik (@Pathik_Trader) May 27, 2020
Backtested results in 30 stocks and nifty, banknifty.
Success ratio : approx 40-45%
RR average 1:2
Entry as per strategy
Stoploss = Open level
Exit 3:15 PM Or SL
39 months 14 months -ve, 25 +ve
Yearly all 4 years +ve performance. pic.twitter.com/nGqhzMKGVy
2. Two Price Action setups to get good long side trade for intraday.
1. PDC Acts as Support
2. PDH Acts as
So today we will discuss two more price action setups to get good long side trade for intraday.
— Pathik (@Pathik_Trader) June 20, 2020
1. PDC Acts as Support
2. PDH Acts as Support
Example of PDC/PDH Setup given
— Pathik (@Pathik_Trader) June 23, 2020
This is how it created long setup by taking support at PDC.
hopefully shared setup on last weekend helped. pic.twitter.com/2mduSUpMn5