Good Investing Checklist that goes thru Basics, Financials, Valuation & Behavioral factors. h/t Nicole Seah (not sure if it's @startingfromnix)

1.The Story
Do I understand the business?
Do I believe in the mission?
How well do I trust Mgmt?
Do I know the key risks?
Do I have an idea why the company is trading at a discount to its intrinsic value?
What are the potential catalysts?
Is there room for future growth?
2. Financial Metrics
Financial statements and footnotes
Cyclical, countercyclical?
Inflation impact
Operating Leverage
Assessing Working Capital + Capex
Trends in Revenues, Margins, Cash flows...
Recent investments, acquisitions?
Relative Valuation
Good pts on few of the behavioral biases to watch out for 👇
It's good to have a short thesis and few other details written down after the initial purchases, so that you're clear on what to track and be objective in follow ups.
The author's Medium page 👇

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