Pandit Rameshwar Nath Kao (Kashmiri Hindu)- The Czar of India's Counter Intelligence

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In modern times, a well organized intelligence net work is a must for any country for maintaining its internal security and for properly protecting it from foreign aggression.


After the massive Chinese aggression in 1962, a need was felt to have an agency to gather foreign intelligence so that our nation should not be caught unawares in future about any such misadventure by our neighbouring countries.

The man who gave a concrete shape to this idea with solid foundation was Pt. Rameshwar Nath Kao, popularly known as Ramji among his friends and colleagues.

R.N. Kao started his career by joining the Imperial Police in 1940. Kao’s first assignment as the assistant superintendent of police was to provide VVIP security and he was direct incharge of the security ring of Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Due to the failures of Sino-Indo war, This was the guy handpicked by Indira Gandhi to start R&AW (Research & Analysis Wing) in 1968. Kao spent nine years as the founder of RAW (1968–77).

1971 Indo-Pak War had two wings, intelligence and army.

Both R.N. Kao and Gen Sam Manekshaw reported to Indira Gandhi. Kao was the brain behind RAW supporting the Mukti Bahini with arms and ammunition. The plan was to enter East Pakistan and arm the local population and just take the maximum of the frustrations inside.

R&AW also established Guerrilla camps along the eastern border and trained Mukti Bahini. All this happened few months before when the war was about to start in 1971.

Kao was the main source of the information of attempted assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Pakistan Army.
RAW was also the one who gave the information of PNS Ghazi coming near to the Vishakhapatnam. The navy worked on the information and made sure to sink PNS Ghazi.
Kao who suspected that China will try to annex Sikkim. Kao got so famous that all his men were known as Kao-Boys. His knowledge of the happening events were exactly on the point and his name generated a fear in the enemy minds.

Kao had many contacts around the world, including Afghanistan, China, Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, you name it and he had them.
Kao kept his personal life private and there was ample information he had which can scare away any security service.

It was difficult for anyone to replace him as he knew too much and it would be highly impossible for anyone to be as good spy as him.
It was Kao who created the elite NSG (National Security Guards).

After he retired, Kao was so keen to lead a private life that he could only be photographed twice!


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