Also called Dharbaranyeswarar. It is one of the navagraha kshtram with Shani (Saturn) as sthal deity.
The presiding deity is Shiva as Dharbaranyeswar. The place Thirunallar was historically called Dharbaranyam.

Originally the place was a forest with Dharba or Kusa grass. The Lingam here was originally made of Darba grass. It appeared when the native Mudaliars ploughed the land.

This is the only place where Shani lost all his powers to Shiva (Dharbaranyeshwarar).
It is said that Raja Nala was troubled by Shani. He lost his kingdom, his wife and lived in extreme poverty. Finally, his misfortunes ended when he took bath here in a pond which is called Nala Teertham.
The murti of Nala is installed here along with the sixty-three Nayanars.
Here, Saneeswaran has only two hands and the right-hand holds the Abhaya Mudra. It means fearlessness indicating that Saneeswaran protects all devotees who offer puja here. Devotees light lamps with sesame in this kshetram.

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