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I'll bite, Mr. Gray. We can even play by your rather finicky rules.

Let's begin with some of the things you have said about Xinjiang, notably absent from your more recent media appearances, but still present in your blog about your 2014 biking trip.

The following is taken from an ongoing list I keep of people who have been to Xinjiang and written/spoken about their experiences. It is separate from the testimony of detainees and their relatives I also keep. Jerry is on this

Jerry, your article for CGTN, as well as your various Medium pieces, belabor themselves to emphasize the smoothness of your time in Xinjiang. Why did you leave out so many details from your log of your 2014 trip? They seem relevant.

For example, would CGTN not let you speak about Shanshan, the town that evidently disturbed you so much?

Why, pray tell, after noting how kind and hospitable Xinjiang police were to you in 2019 for CGTN—and how you were never told where you could or could not go—would you omit these details?

The Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish, 6/8 Soviet leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev were Jewish AND all three Presidents since the (fake) fall of the Soviet Union are Jewish


First Soviet government mostly Jewish:

Funded by International Jewish bankers;


Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams on Bolshevik revolution:

“In the Soviet Republic, all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews”



"Russian-Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna , 22nd August, 1922 - Lenin asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions."



B’nai Brith report - Stalin is Jewish (pg 35)

Stalin's Jewish mother (Jewish Cup Kiddush covered with a shroud - on the grave of Stalin's mother) https://t.co/XXAkeC6wID

Soviet Analyst, Volume 31, Issues 1-7


Nikita Salomon PEARLMUTTER. (img 1) https://t.co/aVLCetMf3w

Another source for Pearlmutter (img2)

"Khrushchev, also, promptly added that the Soviet Government is based today on Jewish leadership"
Palestinian vision of peace with Jews: /1

An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley, by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," /1


"Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha spoke to me about the horrific war that was in the offing… saying:
"... this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars. /3

...volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews. /4
Blackouts in Vatican, Berlin and France - Pakistan went dark yesterday

Anon theory: Blackouts arent against us, its us breaking the DS comms by blacking THEM out


Do we have people in the following Blackouts in Berlin Paris Rome Vatican Pakistan
