Bootstrap Icons (@getbootstrap)
Free, high quality, open source icon library
I\u2019ve used 10,000+ Icons in my designs on Twitter.
— Sachin Ramje \U0001f6a2 (@SachinRamje) February 19, 2022
They form the CORE of hyper- visuals\U0001f60d
I\u2019ve literally wasted months discovering the best ones.
BUT you don\u2019t have to.
Here are the 12 best (free) Icon resources for your designs:
Ironies of Luck
— Morgan Housel (@morganhousel) March 14, 2018
"Luck is the flip side of risk. They are mirrored cousins, driven by the same thing: You are one person in a 7 billion player game, and the accidental impact of other people\u2019s actions can be more consequential than your own."
Old is Gold....
— Professor (@DillikiBiili) January 23, 2020
this Bharti Airtel chart is a true copy of the Wyckoff Pattern propounded in 1931.......