Learn Web Development for FREE


1. https://t.co/esfDhdHHxJ

Web Fundamentals by Google has everything you need to learn as a complete begginer. Text and video content by experts.

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2. https://t.co/00FApVyJqP

W3Schools is one of the most popular place to learn web development technologies with exercises and live editor.

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3. https://t.co/g5QIUcgQTe

MDN Web Docs is a huge documentation repository and learning resource for web developers used by Mozilla, Google etc. Its really helpful when you get stuck.

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4. https://t.co/869dJdBEy0

Free Code Camp is a non-profit organisation which helps people learn to code for free. Over 3000+ hours of free content.

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5. https://t.co/IYy1HP3yjN

Coursera is a fantastic site which have free video content to learn web development and more.

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6. https://t.co/DvNgCj0KqH

Code Academy contains both text and video resources to learn web development and programming for free in a easy way.

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7. https://t.co/hUwGkD8DXs

Edx provide free programming video content which cover the important concepts thaught by an expert.

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8. https://t.co/otlAYFP8dZ

Allison contains 3k+ high quality courses from the world's leading experts.

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9. https://t.co/qsa24ll7Xc

Khan Academy is a useful website to learn web development and more programming concepts. Everything for free.

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10. https://t.co/yVBeTC62JV

GeeksforGeeks contains well-written programming articles, quizzes, and more. Its a useful site when get stuck.

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Hey, I'm Savio 👋
I write daily threads on web development and developer resources.

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Best YouTube Channels to learn Web Development

A Thread 🧵👇️

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organisation that'll teach to learn to code for free.

https://t.co/TfMCxjaE0r 🔗

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2. Traversy Media

Traversy Media creates crash courses to learn programming in a very easy way. He also collaborates with great creators.

https://t.co/EwwtdO0vRw 🔗

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3. codeSTACKr

codeSTACKr creates useful content on web development including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

https://t.co/4Pww7BcMRd 🔗

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4. Code with Ania Kubów

Ania Kubów is a software developer who creates videos on building amazing apps from scratch.

https://t.co/6Hwrfiirw3 🔗

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Are you a Frontend Web Developer?

Here are 15 amazing websites to save you 10+ hours every week.

A Thread 🧵👇


30 seconds of code has collections of short code snippets for a variety of languages.

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2. https://t.co/mwc9BaWllI

Glitch helps to create your next web project in browser with no setup and instant deployment.

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3. https://t.co/XtYMidj8aA

GTmetrix helps to know how your site performs, reveal why it's slow, and discover optimization opportunities.

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4. https://t.co/MVxL8JarO6

Unscreen helps to remove background from any video or GIF.

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Best YouTube Channels to learn Web Development

A Thread 🧵👇️

1. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organisation that'll teach to learn to code for free.

https://t.co/TfMCxjaE0r 🔗

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2. Traversy Media

Traversy Media creates crash courses to learn programming in a very easy way. He also collaborates with great creators.

https://t.co/EwwtdO0vRw 🔗

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3. codeSTACKr

codeSTACKr creates useful content on web development including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

https://t.co/4Pww7BcMRd 🔗

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4. Code with Ania Kubów

Ania Kubów is a software developer who creates videos on building amazing apps from scratch.

https://t.co/6Hwrfiirw3 🔗

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GitHub Repositories to Crush any Programming Interview 🔥

Take advantage of these amazing GitHub repositories to land your dream job.

A Thread 🧵👇


Coding Interview University is a complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.

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2. https://t.co/eh64u3MndC

Tech Interview Handbook has curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers.

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3. https://t.co/u60cXhUQO2

This repo contains a huge list of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions.

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4. https://t.co/mmgCIz1huT

JavaScript Algorithms has JavaScript based examples of many popular algorithms and data structures explained.

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I gathered the best design tools for startups.

Save 100+ hours researching.

A thread 🧵👇️


Checklist Design is a collection of best UI and UX practices to provide a complete, honest and rewarding experience for your users.

Price: Free

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2. https://t.co/pBbmgt6ITD

Coolors is a super fast color schemes generator for designers. Create, save and share perfect palettes in seconds!

Price: Free

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3. https://t.co/GYboviE1yX

Blush makes it easy for anyone to add stunning illustrations to their work with a huge collection of designs from artists around globe.

Price: Free + Paid

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4. https://t.co/eLsLkLAyNm

Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.

Price: Free

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"I lied about my basic beliefs in order to keep a prestigious job. Now that it will be zero-cost to me, I have a few things to say."

We know that elite institutions like the one Flier was in (partial) charge of rely on irrelevant status markers like private school education, whiteness, legacy, and ability to charm an old white guy at an interview.

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It's refreshing to hear a senior administrator admits to personally opposing policies that attempt to remedy these basic flaws. These are flaws that harm his institution's ability to do cutting-edge research and to serve the public.

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