How I grew @prov_pizza 3650% over the last month.

This is me trying to build in public like @thisiskp_ and being transparent like @jackbutcher.

visual thread. 👇🍕

1/ The secret towards getting these gains? Start from zero.

The stats after 4 weeks:

0 —> 77.4K Impressions
0 —> 6,130 Profile visits
0 —> 490 Likes
2 —> 73 Followers, sorry for the bait ;)

Here are some of my key learnings. 👇
2/ @jamierusso taught me to remix the content of others.

With only 9 followers I added some pizza sauce to Jamie’s content.

It got me over 4K impressions on a single tweet.
3/ The key to a good remix: add value.

With @prov_pizza I tried to add:

- Another perspective.
- Humor.
- Pizza. This usually does the trick ;
4/ Remixes were a pitfall too.

I was tempted to remix anything from anyone I found interesting, because it seemed to work.

@foundbryan taught me to stick to my niche.
5/ @prov_pizza is about leveraging talent and building better teams.

@foundbryan helped me realize that for the project to work long-term:

1 Genuinely interested follower > 10 vaguely interested followers.
6/ @craigburgess taught me to get doing things.

He’s the living embodiment of ‘putting in the reps’.

By creating pizza visuals everyday, the creative juices started flowing more and more.
7/ @alicellemee taught me to disconnect from my work emotionally.

It’s easy to get caught up in the (lack-off) success of your posts.

Instead of staring at notifications it helped to simply shift my focus towards creating again.
8/ @aadit taught me how to use Twitter the right way.

I went from consuming towards consuming to create.
If you liked these pizza visuals please give @prov_pizza a follow!

We’ll help you to leverage talent and build better teams, with pizza!

It’s a father-son project with @erikvanderkooij. He’s been teaching me for 21 years now.

More from Twitter

Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Privacy Without Monopoly; Broad Band; $50T moved from America's 90% to the 1%; and more!

Archived at:



This weekend, I'm participating in Boskone 58, Boston's annual sf convention.

Tonight, on a panel called "Tech Innovation? Does Silicon Valley Have A Mind-Control Ray, Or a Monopoly?" at 530PM Pacific.


Privacy Without Monopoly: A new EFF white paper, co-authored with Bennett Cyphers.


Broad Band: Claire L Evans's magesterial history of women in computing.


$50T moved from America's 90% to the 1%: The hereditary meritocracy is in crisis.


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Like company moats, your personal moat should be a competitive advantage that is not only durable—it should also compound over time.

Characteristics of a personal moat below:

2/ Like a company moat, you want to build career capital while you sleep.

As Andrew Chen noted:

3/ You don’t want to build a competitive advantage that is fleeting or that will get commoditized

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