If you use it right, Twitter is the most powerful platform in the world.

But Twitter does a horrible job of showing you its advanced features.

Here are 10 of them you probably know nothing about:

The most underutilized Twitter feature: advanced search.

It blows my mind how few people know this.

Want to find someone's best tweets?

In the search bar, type:

from:dickiebush min_faves:500

Replace the handle and the number of likes as you see fit.
Another good advanced search tip:

Want to see everyone's tweets on a particular topic?

In the search bar, type:

from:dickiebush "consistency"

Again, replace the handle and keyword as you see fit.

You can filter by popularity too:

from:dickiebush "consistency" min_faves:100
We all have those people we don't want following us, but don't want to block.

Here's a good hack:

Block them, then unblock them.

This will unfollow you, but they'll never know.
Get mentioned in a tweet that is receiving way too many replies, turning your notifications into a disaster?

I've been there.

Click to expand the details of the tweet, then click the three dots on the top right-hand corner.

Then, click "mute this conversation."
Everything changes when you start to mute words on Twitter.

There are too many options to explain in a single tweet, so here you go:

Have multiple interests?

Start to create different Lists for each of them.

Then, pin them to the top of your timeline and swipe easily between them.

It's like having multiple Twitter accounts in the same place.

And it also stops you from doomscrolling.
Now for a few practical tips on writing effective tweets and threads:
I see this mistake so often.

Someone puts together a great thread, but starts it by tagging someone with an @someone

Starting a tweet with an @someone will make Twitter think it's a reply and hide it from your followers.

Find a way to start your thread or tweet differently.
Go easy on the links.

Twitter penalizes links to external content.

If you want to share your newsletter, website, blog post, or podcast, try this:

Write some copy to pique the reader's interest, then link to it in a reply underneath that tweet.
Formatting matters.

The difference between an average tweet and a great tweet comes down to style.

The easiest upgrade?

• Lists
• Using
• Bullets

Look way better than:

- Lists
- Using
- Dashes

How to find them:

• Mac: Option + 8
• Windows: Alt + 7
This is one of the biggest engagement hacks out there.

If you want to resurface a tweet back to the top of everyone's timeline, don't retweet it.

Simply reply to it with a follow-up question or additional tweet.

Twitter resurfaces the top tweet + two most recent replies.
And that's it!

If you found this thread useful, jump back up to the top to bookmark it and share it so others can learn from it too.

If you enjoyed this and you're into writing, building, and growing:

1. Follow me @dickiebush for threads like this 4x per week

2. Check out some of my other threads:

These are just a few of the little-known things @Nicolascole77 and I teach to each Ship 30 for 30 cohort.

If you’re looking to start writing online (and level-up on Twitter) check out the link below.

Sign-ups are open for the next cohort. https://t.co/gFBSuuRAzv

More from Dickie Bush 🚢

The world's most valuable skill:

Writing effectively.

But colleges charge you 120k and still do a terrible job teaching it.

Instead, here are 9 writing frameworks that cost you nothing and will save you hundreds of hours:

1. Start with building your writing habit by leveraging @jamesclear's Four Laws of Behavior

2. With your writing habit down, study these 10 tips from the world's most legendary marketer: David Ogilvy.

3. Then, immerse yourself in the takeaways from the bible on business

4. Like to learn on the go?

Dive into the creative process of the world's best writers in these 10 episodes of the @timferriss show.

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@franciscodeasis https://t.co/OuQaBRFPu7
Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!

https://t.co/4wC7k1Lh54 Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?

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