I don't really want to boost Cohen, but I also don't want to rip it off, so here it is, but I'll tell you what he said @emilyjanefox is the interviewer here.

Starts at noting that Cohen said at the beginning that Trump wouldn't transition peacefully ... and granted that's true. Cohen on Trump - "pure narcissism."
Cohen says - and I agree with him - that Trump could have easily won the 2020 election if he had committed to doing things like an infrastructure bill. If Trump had done a reasonable job with COVID, he would have won as well.
This interviewer Emily Jane Fox says she is a long time friend of Cohen - which is a bit of a pause. Cohen is a bit inconsistent as to whether Trump knows he lost - seems to be on the bottom line that Trump is working on his next steps - to rip off Fox News and do a TV network
Trump TV, per Cohen, will be "one fucking infomercial after another and there are 20 Million stupid people out there ... that are willing to part with their money.... Educated people, too."
Cohen - he fell for the emotional appeal, his white power base falls for the same appeal.
PARDONS: Cohen says he does not expect a lot of pardons ... Trump cares for no one except for Trump ... won't pardon Giuliani, Jared, Ivanka, Jr., etc. That would waive 5th Amendment, and that wouldn't be good for DJT ... so ... no.
Cohen expects many cases out of DOJ and the States, and in light of that, DJT won't pardon, because they would then testify against Trump.
STEP DOWN AND GET PARDONED? "No, that's not going to happen, DJT will never step down" because that would be little people forcing him to do so.
Are you still assisting in any investigations? COHEN: I can partially answer, part that I can't.... I have provided them (Tish James) her entire investigation stems from my (Cohens) testimony to them.... They're VERY WELL PREPARED ... to bring justice to the crimes
Civil Litigation ... You (cohen) are out all this money ... I (cohen) owe millions ... wants reimbursed for money he laid out for Stormy Daniels. Trump called me, said stop this ... Stormy sued me (cohen) ... deposed General Counsel and Eric Trump ... they are too dumb to settle
Cohen is ready to take it all to trial, because that is the only way to beat Trump. Trump never settles, and will take advantage of any weakness shown.
Will you ever talk to Trump again? Cohen - No, I can't the damage he caused is too significant ... he destroyed my family's happiness. I will never forgive him for what he did... He did himself for himself, without me knowing, at my expense.
Cohen: The court held me responsible for Trump's dirty deeds ... and I can never forgive it. EJF: you really believed he would be loyal? C: DJT is "one way", but he still somehow believed that he had 5% loyalty ... but he had zero.
EJF: Will he jump back in and campaign for Trump 2024? C: he's desperate for the money... when IRS looks at tax returns, they're going to find he owes 100s of millions even before penalties ... which makes the company worthless...
C: He WILL counterprogram the Biden election... Obama had the dignity and patriotism to sit in the front row in a peaceful transition ... Trump has no humbleness, decency ... so he'll counterprogram the inauguration ... so he'll raise money on it
Alan Weisselberg... is as much in it as Trump, but in my case they gave that fucknut...immunity. I just don't get it. EJC: We'll see what he gets. @emilyjanefox I really questioned your decision to put Cohen on, but I think this is a valuable interview, and I hope people boost
Cohen - my book "Disloyal" is currently being adapted for a full length feature film (so he's getting paid big), and he has a second book coming out (which kinda makes me doubt a little of my tweet above).
Next Cohen book - how people get sucked into Trump. DJT doesn't care about anyone except for himself, and will steal everything out of the Trump PACs that he can possibly take. He's already thinking about how to "take money for the little guy."
Cohen: he's racist, homophobic, a fraud, etc.
Closes out. Still not sure if Cohen should be boosted at all. I know @marykerry thinks not. He's definitely a NYer, and has some mobbed up family ties. Enemies of my enemies? Not sure at all.

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