1~Consider the gnosis within this thread.

4~From the Flat Earth Podcast App.
See where the Sun is on the hour hand?
Wherever it is at is 12 noon with Sun overhead!
Sun laps Moon every 28 cycles (days).
That's how Moon changes Zodiac Signs
every 28 cycles (days).
5~More supporting evidence.
6~Here's a simple demo. Pic1 is the "official" way an eclipse occurs. The Bovine Feces is DRIPPING from pic1!
Pic2 I took the liberty of FILLING IN the Sun's Rays.
As pic1 wants you to beLIEve the Sun, which can fit millions of Earth's inside it, somehow pinpoints a tiny beam?
7~And that tiny beam concentrates to an even TINIER pinpoint on the Moon? HOLY BALLS THAT'S THE MOST PSYCHOTIC SHIT I'VE HEARD THIS WEEK...JUST THIS WEEK! LMFAO!!!
In my CORRECTION of our Light SPREADS from a source, pic2 I feel is more accurate!
Thoughts/Comments PLEASE?!
8~Here's a FUN science project for you and some family members, because COME ON this is more fun when Love is involved?!!!
The Firmament has been shown to be about 73 miles from the surface of Earth. So, use your math skills to figure out the ACTUAL sizes of Sun and Moon!
9~Consider in this science project that you HAVE NO IDEA the SIZES of Sun/Moon BUT you know the DISTANCE is right about 73 miles.
ALSO consider that 73 is the LARGEST PRIME NUMBER?!
The "Chuck Norris" of prime numbers. ~ Sheldon 🤔🤔🤔
Flat Earth Podcast App is pretty cool!

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